Car Conversation

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Lucy POV

I woke up with Troian's big set jacket covering my whole body and my head on Ashley's lap. I opened my eyes a bit to see Shay sleeping in the passenger seat which she had reclined a little bit so she was comfortable and Troian was sitting in her seat playing with her phone. Once I had fully opened my eyes I noticed that it was pitch-black outside and we were still in the hospital car park. I moved my legs down from the seat they were on and lifted my head and at that, Troian turned around.

"Have you just woken up?" She asked me.

"Yeah, have you been up this whole time?"

"No, I just woke up a little while ago when they boys came over to get your house keys and check on you, but you were sleeping. So they both are going to your house to get blankets and stuff because Sasha still hasn't woke up and it looks like we are all going to be camping out here all night." She softly smiled at me.

"Sasha still hasn't woken up?" Troian shook her head. "How long have we all been sleeping for?"

"A few hours Shay and I went out to call Keegan and when we came back in you both we out for the count. Do you feel better now you've slept for a little while?"

"I feel the best that I can feel right now." Everything just came flooding back to be in that moment. Sasha. Overdosing. Baby. Chord snapping. Girl. Ian. Mom. Miscarriage. My breath caught in the back of my throat and I couldn't think about anything anymore. "I'm just going to call Ian. I'll be back in two seconds."

"Okay." I stepped out the car and fresh air blew in my face. I got my phone out and quickly found Ian's number and dialled it. I don't know how Ian is feeling about this. I should have went home with him and spoke to him there, instead of freaking out and running away from our problems.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Lucy you're awake. How are you?" Ian asked.

"I'm doing, I don't know how I am feeling. How are you doing?"

"I don't know either. I don't know how to feel and I don't know how you are keeping it together."

"Trust me I'm not keeping it together." I sighed and wiped the mascara which had ran down my face away. "I was hysterical in front of the girls earlier and I told them about the test results but when Troian and Shay stepped out the car I told Ashley about it being a girl and she started to cry aswell. I don't want to see my friends cry over this. Hell, I don't want them to see me cry over this. I don't think I can tell Troian and Shay about this. I can't bare to say it again. The looks on their faces when I told them that we are going to lose the baby was enough, I don't want to put myself through any more today. How long will you both be?"

"We are about 30 minutes away. We are just getting stuff out the house. Are you still in Troian's car?"

"Yeah. I'm standing outside for some fresh air just now, Ash and Shay are still sleeping but Troian is up."

"Okay well Keegan and Tyler and I will see you all soon."

"Wait. Tyler is with you?"

"Yeah, he called me asking where we all were because they all arranged to come and see us both tonight and he was outside the house. So when we went to get all the blankets and stuff he was there so we picked him up and he is with us now."

"Hey Luce!" I heard Tyler in the back ground.

I giggled. "Tell him I said hey back. Do they both know?"

"Yeah. They know everything even that it's a girl."

"So I suppose I should tell the girls then?"

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