Congratulations And A Trip To The Doctors

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Lucy POV

Everyone had almost finished their chocolate pudding. And I was feeling a little sick half way through mine so I gave it to Sean because he loves chocolate cake. I leaned over to Ian and whispered in his ear. "Will we tell them just now?" He nodded then we both stood up. I put my right hand on the table and my left hand in my back pocket.

"Okay. Everybody. Ian and I have an announcement to make." Everybody stopped eating and looked at us. "Ian and I got engaged last night" Maggie yelped and Sasha ran around and gave me the biggest hug ever.

"What does that mean mommy?" Sean asked as he stuffed the rest of his chocolate cake in his mouth.

"They're getting married!" Maggie said as she ran around the table to join the hug Sasha and I were still in.

My mom and everybody else at the table looked excited but there was something else there aswell. "What? Are you not happy for us?"

"Of course we are! It's just that, we all already knew. Who do you think helped with the petals and candles?" Lewis added.

"And Ian asked me for your hand in marriage a few months ago. Congratulations!" My mom bubbled.

"Wait. All of you knew, everyone except us?" I pointed to Sasha and Maggie then to me. "That's why you held this dinner!"

"Yep. We had planned the whole thing that's why we needed you out the house last night."

Ian's plan was genius.


Two hours later everyone was sitting in the big family room just chatting. While Sean, Ian, the twins and I were in the corner of the room playing with the toy cars. I could feel myself trying to keep my eyes open while lying on the floor in a 'T' position while the drove the cars around me.

"You're tired aren't you?" Ian asked as he knelt next to me. I sat myself up against my elbows which kept me balanced.

"Yes, do you think it would be bad if we left just now? It is quite early but I'm starting to fall asleep lying here as uncomfortable as it is."

A shooting pain went right though the bottom of my stomach as I was half way to standing up. I scrunched my eyes up in pain as Ian caught my shoulders and pulled them up so I was standing. "Okay, we are definitely going home. Right now." I weakly nodded then walked over to my mom to say that we were leaving, I gave everyone a kiss and cuddle before going over to get Ian and give he kids kisses and cuddles aswell.

"I'm going to the toilet quickly, then we'll go." I added. I ran up the small set of stairs at the other side of the family room which took you straight up to the little bathroom outside my old bedroom.

I was finished and I stood up to flush the toilet and I noticed something that shouldn't have been there. Blood. No.

I flushed the toilet, washed my hands and looked in the mirror to see if you could see blood through my jeans. Of course I would be wearing white jeans. It hadn't seeped through yet, thankfully. I opened the door and quickly ran down stairs to get Ian so we could go to the doctors as it would still be opened at this time.


Lucy came running down the stairs with a petrified look on her face. She was pure white and looked like she had seen a ghost. She came walking over to me looking like she was about to burst into tears.

"Walk directly behind me. Don't let anyone see my ass." She said while standing beside me facing everybody.

"What's going on? Did you sit on something?" I asked as I turned my back towards everybody else so they couldn't see what we were saying.

"No, I'm bleeding. Can we please go now and go to the doctors before I bleed out." The tears were threatening to spill over her eyes.

"Right, okay we're going right now. Just don't worry. Calm down. Everything will be alright." I couldn't let her see I was freaking out so I kept a straight face while Lucy's face still looked like a deer caught in head lights. I wiped the tear which had freely fell down from her eye.

"Ian, the longer we stand here the more I bleed and cry." She walked on my right side as everybody else was on my left. "Bye, see you all soon. And we'll see you tomorrow Sasha."

The drive to the doctors was tense and scary. Lucy never looked at me the whole journey, she just stated out the window, wiping the odd tear which cascaded down her pale cheeks. I could tell she was terrified. I was scared but she just looked, well terrified. I'm surprised nobody noticed the look on her face when she came down the stairs. She had called the doctors to see if they were still open and they were as they had a few emergency appointments before us but would be done by the time we got there.

"Ian, what if I'd bled too much already?" Lucy looked at me for the first time in fifteen minutes.

"You haven't. Don't think like that, the both of you will be absolutely fine and we'll be home within the hour. Don't worry." I put hand on hers and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "We'll be fine, I promise." Was that a promise I could keep? Or was it just to keep Lucy from breaking down.

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