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Lucy and I have dated since we wrapped for season 2. But nobody knew until we came back to start filming season 3 in March 2012, to say the least they were shocked, everyone except our boss Marlene. She simply said, "you can't fake the connection and chemistry that you two have. I've always knew that you two would end up together." We were both surprised that the producers accepted it so well, they usually don't support co-workers dating during the show being filmed. But we are in the middle of filming the fourth season the now and everything has worked out well. "Luce, we have to go the now or we'll be late," I shouted through the house as Lucy ran about trying to grab everything she needed for this long day at work. She put everything in her bag and walked out the door. God I'm so lucky, she's so beautiful I thought to myself as I watched her swing her hips down the driveway to the car.

Lucy POV

We got to the hair and make-up trailer where all the girls were sitting. Ashley was semi-awake, Shay was on the phone to Keegan asking where he was and Troian was sitting with a face mask on. I must have been late, or they were all really early. I'm usually the first one there, never the last one. We sit and gossip about anything that comes to mind, just the usual conversation as we all get our hair and make-up done. We usually have different schedules for the day but we all have the same today as we have a lot of scenes, the four of us, all together. Ian heads over to the other stage to film his scenes of the day. I am dreading to know how long all these scenes are going to take as I don't really feel good at the moment. This is gonna be a long day I think as we all walk to the stage to start our day as completely different people. We were shooting the episode after the winter premiere and the set was made to look like a cosy cabin.

We have shot two scenes from different angles for 5 hours because Ashley kept messing up her lines and Shay kept laughing. When our break was over we go back to our positions and continued shooting. I got a shooting pain through my lower stomach but I just ignore it and it seemed to go away. Now that we're finished they scenes, Ashley and Shay go up to their dressing rooms and relax until Troian and I finish our scene that we are about to start shooting, when they have fixed the lighting and our hair and make-up.

We're 30 minutes into the scene when I get another shooting pain through my stomach again, this time it was a lot much worse. I felt like something was ripping inside of me. I doubled over in pain and accidentally bumped into Troian who caught me and sat me down. My heart was racing and I could barely breathe. What's going on?

Troian POV

Lucy looks ill, if I hadn't of caught her she would have fell to the floor. Her head was still in her hands which were shaking. I didn't know what to do, should I call one of the producers over, should I call Ian and ask if he knows anything about it, should I take her over to the first-aid bit on set. I called Norman over, who is one of the producers and he said that I've to take her over to the first-aid part so she can be checked out. I had to practically carry her over as she couldn't stand up straight and stopped walking after a few steps because the pain was too much. I was ready for picking her up and carrying her over.

Lucy POV

Troian is trying to turn the microphone off from the back of my shirt, as I lean against the wall to keep myself up, but she couldn't find the switch. As much as I just want to leave it on so we can forget all the hassle, I don't want the crew knowing what was wrong with me, if there is anything up with me that is. She finally manages to take the thing off me. She goes back to set and waits for me there and I go into a boxed off area to talk to our on-set first-aider. I told her that I had pain in my lower stomach, "When did you start getting these pains and were they always in the same place?"

"This morning, I woke up early and they started then, but they were so faint I could hardly feel them until about 15 minutes ago and I couldn't handle the pain and fell onto Troian,"

She nodded and I could tell by the look on her face that she knew there something was wrong with me, but she was trying to hold back and not tell me. "Is it cramps or a ripping sensation?"

"Ripping, it's so so sore, I practically had to get carried over here because I couldn't walk. I don't know what could be wrong with me. I haven't eaten anything bad, I have had something to eat and drink, it's not muscle related so what is it? I can tell by your face that you know, can you please tell me?" Her mouth started moving and half way through her sentence my jaw nearly hit the floor. I couldn't believe what I just heard. Please no!

She told me that I had to go get Ian to take me home, she also gave me some painkillers to try to help with the pain.

I walked back to set with a million questions and thoughts running through my head. Shay and Ashley were back down from their break and were ready to do their scenes together while Troian was sitting on the couch waiting for me to return so we could finish our scene. "Goose, you ready to finish this scene?" Troian asked while walking towards me with a big smile on her face and my microphone. We were all so close and best friends off set as well as on set, but Troian must not of told them about the pain I had as they both asked me where I had been.

"They said I've to go home, and I'm not in any state to be filming right now. I'm sorry Troi, I will be back at 10 though and hopefully I will be better, see you guys then." I gave them hugs, gave my microphone to Norman and started walking to Ian's dressing room on the other side of the stage.

It was only 11am and we had been here since 5am, so we all got to get a break at 4pm til 10pm and then continue shooting through the night as it has to look like night-time during the external scenes that also had to be shot today.

I walked into the Ian's room where I found him half awake, lounging on the sofa and reading over his lines for tomorrow.

"Why are you up here, aren't you meant to be shooting?" His face looked a little confused.

"No, I've been told that I've to go home and rest for a few hours. Ian there's something I have to tell you. Please don't freak out or get mad, just hear me out." I cannot believe this is happening. Tears sprung into my eyes as he looked at me with his ice-cold blue eyes while walking towards me. I let the door close slowly as I let go of it to meet him halfway across the room.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

I couldn't hold the tears back, no matter how much I tried to. They escaped and shot down my cheeks one after another. My sobs and tears were quickly absorbed by Ian's shirt while he ran his hand up and down my back.

This isn't going to be easy.

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