I Forgot To Do What?

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Lucy POV

I looked over all three tests that were sitting back on the bathroom counter. Positive. Positive. Positive.

We're sitting in the living room in silence until Ian started to speak,

"We can either go to the doctors today or tomorrow morning, because you need to get these pain checked out sooner than later. What suites you the most?" I stared into space, I was in my own little world. Not even acknowledging that Ian was asking me a question. "We could go today and get it over and done with, or we can go tomorrow after we get up, because today has been a long day for me, let alone for you" Then I snapped out of my day-dream.

"Can we go today? I need to know that everything is okay. I'll go call the doctors the now." I got up and went into the kitchen to get the number for the doctors.


A few minutes late Lucy came back into the living room with a court of ice-cream and two spoons.

"They had a cancellation at 5 o'clock, so they have slotted us in there which is good because we're not on set until 8 o'clock for hair and make-up."

"Okay, what's with the ice-cream?" I asked.

"Well, I was thinking that we could watch a movie until the appointment because it is only 3 o'clock. Is that a plan?" She smiled and sat on the couch next to me.

"Definitely." I took the remote off the small white table next to the couch and turned on 'Love and Other Drugs'. Lucy snuggled into my side and pulled the blanket up to her chin but stuck both her arms out to hold the ice-cream.

1 Hour Later - 4 o'clock

Lucy dozed off about 30 minutes ago. It has been a long day for her, but it's only going to get longer. I got up and moved Lucy's body further up the couch so her head was on a pillow. I kissed her head and put another blanket around her as she felt cold. I went into the kitchen to put the ice-cream but in the freezer, neither of us really touched it.

I went upstairs to go for a quick shower and put stuff in a bag for tonight as we will be shooting for 12 hours. About 30 minutes later both of our bags were packed and I was showered. I decided to go and wake Lucy up in case she wanted to jump in for a shower as well.

Lucy POV

I look at my phone to see that it is 16:50 and 3 Missed Calls from Troian and Ashley and 2 texts from Shay. I wonder what they want, should they not be sleeping? I locked my phone again and sat it down on my lap as Ian was driving to the doctors, it wasn't a long drive, only 5 minutes or so down the road. My phone lit up and I picked it up to see that Troian was calling me again.


"Hey? We have been calling you for the past 10 minutes"

"Yeah, sorry. I was busy. Anyways, what's up?"

"Come to set like now! We've been told that we have to start the next episode a day early so we don't have as much time on this one as we thought we did. What time can you two be here for?"

Shit! I can't say where we are going, I don't want to say anything too soon.

"Em, I'm kind of in the middle of something so I don't think we can be there before half 5."

"We've to start shooting for 6 o'clock."

"I know, I know, but that is the earliest we can both be there fo, and we can't do anything about that."

"Well, call Marlene and tell her that you can't make it or text her just to let her know. And enjoy whatever you two are doing for the next 30 minutes"

I didn't even have to see Troian to know that she had a massive sly smile on her face.

"Yes, okay Miss Gutter."

Troian POV

"Ps, everybody in make-up trailer can hear our conversation." Shay and I started to giggle as Ashley made her way over to where we were sitting because she was at the other side of the trailer fixing the radio after Lucy broke it this morning trying to find a country station.

"Okay, I'm going now. Y'all are crazy"

A few seconds later I heard Lucy's voice. Is she here already? Little did I know that it was Ian and her having a conversation on the other end of the phone. I thought she had hung up so I just put the phone on my lap and continued having a conversation with Shay about her upcoming half marathon she was doing in San Diego while we were waiting for our make-up artist to get here. I picked the phone up and put it to my ear.

"It's not lying if you can't tell them truth yet Luce."

"I don't even know if that was classed as lying. They think we're doing 'it' when it's the complete opposite. What are we supposed to say to Marlene? It's not even worth lying about is it?"

"What is going on with them and what isn't she telling us?" Shay asked with a confused look on her face. Shit, I forgot it was on speaker.

"Shhh! Wait and see if she says anything else. It sounds bad" Ashley snapped quickly but quietly as I still sat in the middle of them holding my phone out in front of me.

"Okay, stop worrying we will see how this goes then what happens we will go from there okay? Now let's go Goose,"

We could hear Lucy's sniffling, she was either crying or was about to because Ian continued to say,

"Do you wanna sit here for 5 minutes first then we can go in?"

"Yeah," Lucy's voice had cracked and she was definitely crying at this point. She must have moved closer to Ian and the phone must have fallen onto the floor as the was a few loud bangs on the other end then there was faint noise of Lucy crying.

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