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Lucy POV

I walked in the house and slammed the door after me. Not out of rage and anger but just because I could.

"Why are you slamming doors?" Ian popped his head out the family room. I never even noticed his car in the driveway.

"Sasha. She is just pissing me off," Ok, I was angry. I was pissed. I walked through to the sitting room and flung myself down on the arm-chair next to the sofa Ian was sitting on. "I go over there to see how she is doing and seeing if she needs a bit of comfort and gives me nothing but cheek and attitude." My arms were waving about in the air as I was explaining what had happened. "And she called me a bitch! How am I the bitch? All I wanted was to comfort her and she shut me out!" I practically yelled at Ian like it was his fault. "I'm sorry, I never meant to yell, she just pissed me off,"

"It's okay, I'm glad you're yelling at me and not Sasha. Especially today."

"Yeah me too. Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, do you want me to make us something or order in food or go out?" Ian asked.

"Can we just order in some Chinese food?"

"Of course, your usual?"

"Yessss pleaseeeee," I sung to him as he stood up and walked towards the kitchen.


Was that the door?

"Did the door just go or am I hearing things?" I asked Ian.

"I thought that, I'll get it." He stood up and walked towards the door while I picked up our dirty dishes and put them in the dish washer. I wet a cloth and was about to wipe the table down when I heard Ian shout my name.

"Lucy!" He called, "it's the three muppets for you," I knew exactly who he was talking about, Shay, Ashley and Troian. I thought they were meant to be on set today. Maybe they finished early or something.

I walked out of the kitchen to see them taking their shoes off and Ian walking towards me, "I'll go and clean up," he said as he walked by me, I caught his arm and spun him in his tracks.

"I've put the dishes in the washer to be put on later, because we will probably have an endless amount of cups of coffee." I smiled.

"Well, they will have endless amounts of coffee but will you be?" He nodded towards my stomach, "you and you're caffeine withdrawals are cute," he laughed. "I'll call Keegan and see if he's in and wants to go for a run because I'm not staying in with all youse!"

He walked the opposite direction of the kitchen and walked up the stairs as I walked into the sitting room to see all the girls had made themselves at home. Troian was sitting on the sofa I usually sit on with her feet up beside her with a space left for me to sit down. Shay was sitting on the arm-chair with a white blanket wrapped around her and Ashley was leaning over the other sofa to find the socket so she could charge her phone. I lifted a black blanket from the back on the sofa Troian was sitting on, wrapped it round my body and sat down next to her. I held the blanket around me from the inside with my left hand so they never seen the ring. I love how they just made themselves at home, right enough when any of us go to each other's houses we just treat it like our own house. I love these girls, they're like my sisters.

"So what brings you all here?" I asked as I made myself comfortable on the couch by slouching a bit and putting my legs up beside me like Troian had done.

"Well, we were going to come and see how you and Sasha were doing and we thought that you would be in her house, like pretty much every year. So we chapped the door and nobody answered then we called the house phone and then her phone but nobody answered them either. So then we thought that she might be here and both you and Ian's cars are here so we knew you were in. So we came over here thinking that she would be here as well but she isn't. Is she at your mom's or Maggie's house, maybe?" Shay answered my question.

"No, she's in her house. She never answered the door to me either so I let myself in and she was lying on the couch with blankets wrapped around her and watching home movies, and then I asked her why she never answered the door or answered me when I called on her she started to snap at me. I don't know whether she wanted to just shout at somebody and let her anger out, or she never wanted to see anybody or I don't know. Then she said that I was a bitch and said she'll see me tomorrow on set. So I don't know why she never answered y'all just there, do you want me to call her?"

"No. We don't know why she is ignoring us but she's intentionally shutting you out." Ashley admitted. Huh ?

"Wait, what do you mean she's intentionally shutting me out?" I've not did anything wrong?

"Because yesterday on set Sasha was the last one in the trailer for hair and make up. And she came in looking like she had no sleep at all and looked like she had cried all the way to the lot. But we just thought she was upset about today until Maggie called her. Then when she answered the phone she started saying that somebody was in the hospital last night and it was something serious and 'he' wasn't letting Sasha up to see 'her'. Then she had to step out the trailer because she started to whimper," Ashley explained when Troian finished it for her. Shit. They know.

"And because the walls aren't all that thick in the trailer we heard her end of the conversation which was you left your mom's dinner to go to the doctors but then you were taken to the hospital via ambulance. So Ian called Sasha and told her about the car still being at the doctors. So Hudson and her went to the doctors to get your car then one drove that and the other drove their car. And when she got there, Ian came down and told her that she wasn't allowed to go up and see you because you weren't doing all that well. Then she said, quote us on this but these were her exact words," Troian opened her mouth to say whatever Sasha said but Shay jumped in and said it for her.

"She said 'I can't lose somebody else'." I feel like I've just had my heart shattered. Shay looked right into my eyes as did Ashley and Troian.

My mouth opened to reply but nothing came out so I closed it again. I was speechless. How was I going to explain this one?

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