Chapter One The Truth Comes Out

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Rachel had found out a couple of hours ago that she landed the lead in Funny Girl. 'Her dream role' she thought as she brought the order out to the nice couple in the corner booth. She had to tell her dads before they found out from someone other than her. She wanted to hear their excitement as she told them all of their and her hard work has paid off. All of the dance classes, singing lessons, sacrifices to her social life, have finally paid off. She made Kurt and Santana promise not to call, text, skype, Facebook, tweet, Tumblr or Instagram anyone in Lima until she could call her dads.

The end of her shift and she's gathering her stuff and she thought about him, Finn, she had to tell him. It didn't feel real until she told him. She knows things have been weird since Mr. Shue's almost wedding, but she knows they are working their way back to each other. Albeit slowly, but slow is better than not at all.

"Kurt I'm off I'll see you at the loft, I love you" Rachel bid her bestie before leaving the diner. "I love you too, Fanny" Kurt said. Santana stopped her and said "Hey Rachel, I'm proud of you." "Awe Santana, you are so not the bitchy girl you pretend to be" "Okay Hobbit, that's it, don't get used to it" "the Santana we both know and love has return" said Kurt. "Alright, I really really got to go love you" and with that Rachel glided out the door into the brisk New York spring.

She changed into some yoga pants and one of his McKinley High School shirts and settled on the sofa with a cup of warm tea with honey and her phone in hand. Rachel looked at her phone, and thought 'who should I call first? My dad's or Finn?' As if she was on auto pilot she pressed 2 and send on her iPhone and listen to it ring, biting her bottom lip in anticipation.

"Hello?" said the voice of the one person she knew would be so proud of her, Finn

"Finn" she sighed. Just the sound of his voice still made her knees wobbly. "Hello, how are things?"

"Things are good, how are you? Finn said in his raspy voice that made her think again how damn sexy he still is.

"Well, I have some exciting news that I need to tell you." "Wait, you didn't? You did! You got Fa..." and before Finn could finish his sentence Rachel squealed in his ear. "I got it, I got Fanny? Finn it's everything we ever talked about. I knew you would remember" Rachel closed her eyes trying not to cry, because this is a good thing, but it would be spectacular if he were here to celebrate it with her.

A single tear escaped her eye and Finn began speaking again "Of course I'd remember, I'm super stoked for you, you deserve it. I'm so proud of you, Rachel, I always knew you could and would do it." Without thinking he simply said "I love you, so much"

Rachel hitched her breath with a deep sigh and a fluttering heart said "I love you, too" Finn wasn't sorry that he said it but he didn't want to scare her off so he continued with "I'm sorry, I just wanted you to know. I'm not pressuring you into anything, but right now I'm so proud and full of love for you that I couldn't help myself. No strings, I promise, endgame remember?"

Giggling Rachel began "oh stop it Finn, We were together for almost 3 years and even though we broke up, we still love each other. We didn't stop loving each other, that's not why we broke up. I'm tired of pretending we're not okay, I'm tired of the awkwardness. We were friends first and I love my friend"

"Thanks Rach!" "Thanks for friend zoning me" Finn said sarcastically and she laughed.

"Well I would have to do that if we could get our act together" Rachel responded

"You were always the smarter on Rach"

"Finn are we going to be alright?" Yes, babe yes" Finn let the nickname out without a though and Rachel didn't mind one bit.

"I got to call my Dads Finn to let them know I got the part" Finn was taken aback, she called him first, even before her dads. "Oh, wait I was your first call?" "I told you once in the auditorium that nothing is real if I can't share it with you. So I had to make it real, before I told anyone else" "I meant it when I said I'm done pretending that you aren't a part of my life, Okay I really got to go, but talk soon k" with that Rachel finished her call with Finn with a megawatt smile on her face and a renewed hope in her heart. FINN FREAKIN' HUDSON STILL LOVES ME!!!!!!! First Fanny, now Finn. We have to somehow make this work Rachel thought to herself. She didn't want to go through this without Finn. Operation get Finn Hudson to New York is going to commence. What Rachel wants Rachel gets? Don't you ever forget that Finn Hudson.

I Do not own Glee or the characters created by Ryan Murphy, Ian Brennan and Brad Falchuk

I Do not own any songs used they belong to singer songwriters

I own my plot and words.

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