Chapter Twelve Not a Lima Loser

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"Rachel!" Leroy screams as he walks through the door of the Berry house. "Rachel!" he yells again. Rachel comes bounding down the stairs "What wrong? Are you okay?" she shoots out questions. Looking at her dad, he has this big grin on his face holding an overnight envelop. "Oh sweet baby Moses, dad, I thought someone was murdering you by the way you were caterwauling." Rachel shakes her head. "What's that?" She asks. "The Diehl driver just dropped it off. It says from the office of Rupert Donovan." Leroy says jumping up on the balls of his feet. "Ooh, Goody" Rachel reaches for the envelop and tears it open.

"It's my contracts, schedule and tickets to the Funny Girl Gala." Rachel is reading through the contract and drops it covering her mouth. "What's wrong star?" Leroy asks her concerned it was bad. "Dad, look at the salary portion. They are really going to pay me that?" "Wow Star, that's fantastic for a first timer. I can only speculate what you will get paid after you win your Tony." Rachel's dad says laughing. Rachel picks the contract up and looks at it again. According to the contract she is going to be paid $4500 a week with 8% of ticket prices as well as 35% from sales of the sound track plus royalties. "Dad this is too much. I'm not worth this." Rachel doubting herself hands the contract back to her dad. "Rachel, you are worth that and so much more. Don't doubt yourself. The producers sure don't. We just need your daddy to look them over, because you know he is the lawyer, and you will sign them and be well on your way to a Tony award nomination." "Thank you dad." Rachel says.

Hiram went through the contract with a fine tooth comb, making sure there were no loopholes and that his little Rachela understood her end of the contract. "But, why do it need to pay a manager when I got this role all on my own?" Rachel is not liking this one point of the contract. "Because sweeties that is the terms of the contract. And if you want to be Fanny Brice you need a manager." Hiram states the facts to his daughter. "Can't you be my manager, Daddy?" Rachel asks. "I don't know if it's a good idea, baby. I don't want to be a stage dad or you get mad at me like Drew Barrymore or that home alone kid and divorce us." Rachel looks at her daddy like he lost his mind "Have you lost your mind daddy! I would never do that to you. Besides I'm an adult not a child actor despite what you may think or want. Just draw up a contract that says you're my manager and let's keep it in the family." Rachel implores her daddy. "She's right dear" Leroy interjects. "We want what's best for her and she doesn't have to worry about us trying to steal her money or steer her career in a way she didn't want to go. We've been working on this since she was born. Who better if not you?" "Okay, but Rachela I don't need some outrageous salary just a nominal fee to keep the contract legal and the producers happy." Hiram agrees. Rachel nods and hugs both her dads.

"I've got to call Finn, he is going to be so happy for me." Rachel runs back upstairs to call Finn. Of course he's over the moon for her he says. You deserve it he convinces her. "I'd like to save as much as possible babe." She tells him over the phone. Tonight is one of the rare nights they are not together. He spent the day with his mom and Burt. His mom wanted some time alone with him before he left for the big city. Rachel understood and happily let Carole have Finn for the day. She spent the day pampering herself, listening to glee club recordings and watching Barbra. She also went to McKinley and used the auditorium to practice for the Gala. She choose Don't Rain on My Parade and My Man for the Gala. No brainer there really.

"It's your money baby, do what you want to with it." Finn conveys to her. "I just want you to be happy. And if saving your money makes you happy then do it. But don't you want to buy something. Something you've been wanting since senior year Prom. Something we couldn't afford and go on our honeymoon." Finn prods her. "Finn, I couldn't it is just so extravagant." "Baby, think of them as an investment. You are going to need new ones for the Gala anyway. You said they were sending dresses for you to choose from. So why not by your Louis button shoes." Finn laughs. Rachel is laughing too "it's Christian Louboutin. You're right I've really wanted a pair for as long as I can remember. Yeah, I'm going to get a pair." Rachel smiling like Finn could see her. "Good I'm glad. Mom and Burt are on board for the Gala. I know you were worried. Congress is at recess when the Gala is so everyone who loves you will be there." Finn says. "I Love you, Finn. I really do. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't by my side for this journey." "Not going anywhere baby, you're stuck with me now." Finn lets her know he's happy too. They say good night and hang up. They'll be seeing each other in the morning.

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