Chapter Ten Party to End All Parties

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Rachel opens her eyes and feels Finn still heavily sleeping next to her. The sun peeking through the curtain casting a glow around his beautiful face. She swears he has the face of a god and she stares as he sleeps. Because that's her man and she can. She traces his beauty marks on his jaw up to the freckles that spatter across his nose. A path she knows so well. Today is his big surprise and she is so excited. She can't wait for him to see what they've planned for him.

She places soft barely there kisses on his eyes then down to his nose, finally landing on those pink luscious lips he uses so well. He stirs and his eyes flitter. Rachel smiles, she loves waking him up like this. He opens his eyes to peer down at his favorite site, Rachel smiling back up at him. "Good Morning beautiful." He croaks, his voice still sleepy. "Goody Morning to you too my love" she retorts and gives him a full kiss. He pulls her closer and caresses her bare bottom with his hand. "No no mister. We got to get up and get dress. Burt is taking you to the Indians Game and me and your mom are going shopping for some things you need for New York." "I want to have you and the game" He tells her pushing her onto her back while kisses her neck hitting that spot he knows drives her wild. "Well you should have allotted time for me this morning and set your alarm. You didn't, now you must do without." Rachel laughs and pushes him off of her. "Shower!" She says standing from the bed and looking at her phone. "Kurt text and said Blaine and Burt are down stairs waiting on you." "Can a guy get a little somethin' somethin' in the shower?" Finn quizzes her, then pulls her flush against his chest. His erection poking her back. Rachel sighs "I don't know what do I get out of it?" Cocking his eyebrow and flashing his half smirk Finn lifts her up and pushes to the en-suite "I think Finny Jr. can think of something to give you." Finn plops her down and turns on the water "You've got 20 minutes to take care of that and be down stairs ready to go." Rachel points to his crotch and runs out of the bathroom grabs her robe and heads down stairs. Finn stands there stunned. Once he processes what happened he turns back to the shower turns off the hot water and gets in letting the cold water do its thing. "She will pay later, oh she will pay" Finn says out loud as the water hits his semi-hard erection.

Twenty five minutes later Finn is hurrying down the stairs pulling his jersey closed looking for his shoes. "Where are my shoes?" "By the door sweetheart" his mom says "You guys are going to have so much fun. Burt's been looking forward to this for a while now." Carol continues "Be good. Rachel and I are making dinner tonight don't forget. Burt you need to be back by 7pm." "Yes dear, you told me, Kurt's told me and Rachel told me. For goodness gracious Blaine is going so I don't forget." Burt lets out a annoyed breath. "Just making sure. No need to get huffy." Carole jokes. "If you keep this up he's going to figure out something's going on and the surprise will be ruined." Burt reminds her.

"I'm ready. Burt, Blaine?" Finn says walking to the door. "Bye Babe have fun, miss me lots" Rachel giggles then tip toes up to kiss Finn. "I will baby. See ya soon" With that the three were out the door and Rachel dives into panic mode.

"Carole we have so much to do. I got to shower get dressed. Then get over to the club house and make sure everything is set up right. I left dad and daddy with Kurt last night when Finn got back. Three gay men decorating for the straightest man in Lima what was I thinking. Damn Noah couldn't keep him out longer." Carole grabs Rachel's shoulders "Breathe Rachel sweetheart. In through your nose and out through your mouth. There you go. Everything is going to be fine. I believe your dad would not let Hiram and Kurt go crazy on the decorations. He knows Finn likes simple." "You're right. I'm sorry I just want everything to go great. I want him to enjoy himself with his friends and family. I'm taking him away from you all and I want him to remember how much you guys love and support him even though he will be with me in New York." Rachel confesses. "Sweetie, you're not 'taking him' from us. This is his dream and you are a huge part of that dream. We all know that and we want that for him and you. It has been almost unbearable around here with you two broken up. You two are better off together than apart. No guilt No regrets." "Thank you Carole. I love him so much and I'm going to do everything I can to make and keep him happy." "I know you will" Carole hugs Rachel and places a kiss atop her head. "Let's go de-flamboyant the club house. It is Kurt after all and he never listens." Both women chuckle and go upstairs to get ready for the day.

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