Chapter Eleven Cause Baby you're a Firework

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It has been three weeks since Finn's Birthday party. Finn and Rachel are spending their time in Lima together and loving each other. Today they are starting to pack up Finn's bedroom at the Hudmel house. "Finn are you keeping this?" Rachel asks holding up a picture of him and Puck wearing middle school football uniforms. "What do you think? Maybe we could put in the photo album and upload it to the computer later." Finn tells her as his phone is ringing. "Hello?" Kurt, yea good. How about you? Good good. Oh great I'm so glad. It's a California king right? Great." Rachel is looking at Finn only hearing his end of the conversation. "Yea don't worry about that, Rach can pick the sheet and stuff out when we get there or maybe we can order some online. Alright, have fun. Can't wait to see you. Bye little brother."

Finn hangs up and turns to Rachel. "What was that about a California King?" Rachel quizzes him. "I ordered us a new bed a couple weeks back and it was delivered today and Kurt was letting me know it meet with his approval." Finn answered. "Why would you waste money on a new bed when I have a perfectly fine bed at the loft? Finn we really need to be more careful with the money we are spending. Technically it was your money but...shouldn't you have talked with me about it?" Rachel huffs. "Baby, I wanted to do something nice for us." Finn declares. "But it was a waste of money Finn. We didn't need a new bed." Rachel reiterates. "Yes, yes we did." Finn says started to get annoyed. "But why? You should have saved that money because who know when you're going to be able to get a job. I know you will but it might take a while." "I'd rather sleep in the gutter with the bum outside the loft than sleep on the bed you had." Finn spits out. "That's rather rude Finn." Rachel is staring at him like he is an alien. "Whatever, there's a new bed and there is nothing you can do about it." "Finn, it's my bedroom too. A California king is really big." "Well, I'm a really big guy" "This is ridiculous!" Rachel states "Is this how it's going to be? You making decisions for me again?" Rachel utters and regretting it immediately "I'm sorry Finn I didn't mean it like that." "Whatever, Rachel. I'm going to get more boxes. Do what you want. Send it back. Just don't expect me to sleep on your old bed." With that Finn slams the bedroom door leaving Rachel teary eyed and confused.

'What just happened' Rachel can't understand why they are fighting over a bed. He wasting money that they could use to pay bills or save for the wedding (Oh, there will be a wedding). Why is he so adamant about changing the bed? Rachel pulls out her phone and dials the one person who won't sugar coat anything, Santana. She just needs an objective perspective.

"Hey Tana" Rachel quietly says to her friend. "What's up Hobbit? Did gigantor screw shit up already? I am going to kick his ass." Santana spews. "No, nothing like that. It's just, he order a new bed for the loft and didn't tell me and when I told him it's really unnecessary he got all pissed and said he'd rather sleep with bums than in my bed. Why would he say that? It hurt my feelings. Then he told me to do whatever I wanted with the new bed but don't expect him to sleep with me on the old bed." Rachel is now crying to her friend. "Really, dwarf. For someone so smart you can be dense sometimes." Santana begins "I would want to sleep in a bed my girlfriend shared with a donkey man whore either." Santana states. "OH MY GOD, I'm such an idiot. I didn't even think about that. I was only thinking about the financial aspect of purchasing something so expensive. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. What am I going to do Santana? He's pissed." Rachel continued. "I'm not going to lose him over this and that man whore. I've got to make it right." "Well, first you need to get off the phone with me. Let him cool down and wait for him to come back. He didn't say he wasn't coming to New York, so apologize for being insensitive." "Thanks Tana, I can always count on you to keep it real." "Goodbye dwarf. Climb that gigantor like a tree." "So crude." Rachel laugh and hangs up.

Rachel waits for Finn to return. While she is waiting she continues to pack his clothes, because those are the only thing she knows for sure he's taking with him. Once she has the boxes filled and can't do anymore. She goes online to Bed, Bath and beyond. Looking at sheet and comforter sets for their new bed. She texts Kurt to send her a picture of the bed. It's real nice. The headboard is more masculine than the wrought iron one she had but with a neutral bed ensemble it will work for both of them,

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