Epilogue This is How it Should Be

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Chapter 23: This is how it should be: Epilogue

It's been three years since Rachel debut as Fanny Brice. She is coming to the end of her run. After the whole Quinn thing, she and Finn discussed it at length and she decided she would withdraw from NYADA. Her dads did not take that news very well. They stopped talking to the couple for close to six months. It was difficult for Rachel. Eventually they came around and respected her decision.

Finn did win the Heisman and agents were lining up to sign him and get him into the draft. At that point he and Rachel didn't think he should declare for the draft. He had directed an off-off Broadway play that opened to rave reviews. He still wanted to get an education and play more college ball.

He has just finished his fourth season at Columbia and has set school records for passing, touchdowns thrown and yards thrown. He now has an agent and after graduating with a degree in Theater Arts he has declared for the NFL draft.

Rachel was nominated last year for Best New Actress but lost. This year she is nominated for Best Actress in a Revival. Broadway.com has her pegged to be the winner. The Tony's are a week after the draft and they are both being held at Radio City Music Hall.

"Kurt, can we please stop looking. I'm tired, my feet hurt and I'm starving." Rachel wines to Kurt in the middle of the Vogue.com vault.

"It's the Tony's Rachel, and you are my sister in law. You must look fabulous." Kurt says not looking up from the Racks of dresses.

Rachel rolls her eyes "Thank God this is only once a year"

"What's that dear" Kurt asks

"Nothing. I'm just hungry, I mean like ravenous. Like Finn after a football game hungry" Rachel tries to relay her hunger to her best friend/brother in law.

"Okay I get it lets get food and then we are back here picking out your Tony outfit"

"Thank you Kurt" Rachel says going to take off the 7th dress Kurt vetoed. She's standing in the dressing room in her panties and bra when a feeling of nausea washes over her. She bolts out of the dressing room to the bathroom across the hall and empties the contents of her empty stomach.

She rises her mouth out and goes back to the vault. "What was that?" Kurt asks

"I'm not sure. I had a real bad bout of nausea and I couldn't hold it in." Rachel says getting her jeans and sweater on. "I'm never sick." She tells herself and Kurt hears her.

"In all the time we lived together I've never seen you get ill. What do you think it is? Are you pregnant?" he laughs at this joke, because he was joking. Rachel's eyes lit up and she asks "What's the date"

"It is May 6th" Kurt answers.

"I haven't had my period Kurt, I know you were joking but I think I might be pregnant." Rachel says giggling.

"Oh My Parada, a baby" Kurt exclaims.

"Come on Kurt, I've got to know." She grabs his hand leading him out of the high rise and to the CVS on the corner. They buy the test and head back to Kurt's office. Rachel goes and pee's on the stick and they wait.

"What if you are, what are you going to do" He inquires

"Have a baby" she says like its normal everyday occurrence.

"You're not afraid, why aren't you freaking out. I always figured you would freak out. I mean your career and your Tony"

"It's not like I'm a kid anymore, I'm married to the man of my dreams and have been for the last two years. I'm at a great place career wise and Finn is getting ready to be drafted. We can afford a kid." She tells him

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