Chapter Four Party Day

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I want everyone to know that there will not be any angst in my story. Once Finchel reuinites they will stay together. I'm not saying there won't be any problems but they will work through those problems together. TEAM FINCHEL

Rachel woke up on a Beautiful Spring morning in her childhood bed. After Lunch at Breadstix on Thursday she and Finn didn't see each other but they spoke briefly on the phone. Not really talking about much just catching up. But, today was the day. She was getting Finn Hudson back and she couldn't wait for the party to start

After a light lunch with her dads, Rachel was bouncing off the walls waiting for the evening to begin. She picked out a deep blue dress that hugged her curves and showed off her tanned legs 'just like Finn likes' she thought to herself. She was finishing up her hair and applied very little makeup when the guest started to arrive. Her daddy called up to her to come greet the guest. She really only wanted one guest but did what her dad asked of her.

Half an hour later all the party goers were there. Hiram cleared his throat and spoke "Hello everyone and thank you for attending our celebration. Leroy and I are just so proud and happy that our baby girl has been given such and amazing opportunity after being in New York for eight short months. Rachel we love and support you and know you will make us proud." Clapping ensued and then Leroy spoke "Rachel, since you were a little girl we knew were going to be a star. Every performance, dancing or singing, you put everything into it. We Love you and are proud of you. To Rachel." The Crowd in the Berry living room erupted in cheers and claps as Rachel curtsied.

Rachel spoke "thanks for everything dads, I love you both so much. I'd like to thank everyone who is here tonight it means a lot that you all have faith in my talent. Let's have some fun."

Rachel was standing talking with her aunt not really paying attention to what she was saying because she was distracted by Finn in the corner smirking that half smile that drives her crazy and makes her want to drop her panties. He was talking to Mike Chang, she wanted to go and interrupt but she didn't want to seem too obvious to everyone around. She starts working her way over to him being stopped by another relative or friend. Rachel makes small talk and gives thanks for their congratulations each time sneaking glances to keep her eye on his location. Finn is looking and waiting for her to make her way to him. 'Gosh, she's so beautiful and sexy. I want to throw her over my shoulder and carry her to her bed and never leave' Finn thought to himself.

As more and more guest were leaving, Finn and Rachel make their way to each other. The last time they were together they ended up in bed and she had a pregnancy scare. Whenever Finn Hudson was around she lost all sense of control over her mind, her heart and especially her body. 'Why does that man have such an effect on me' Rachel thought. "Oh yeah I love him, that's why".

'She's taking too long to get over here' mused Finn. He was ready just to run and scoop her into his arms and profess his love and fidelity and he wants, no needs her in his life. Although he has been gaining his self-esteem and confidence, there is still that voice inside his head that tells him he set her free to have these experiences without him. "She doesn't need me to interfere in her life, right?' Finn could not silence that voice before, but now he says 'no, I'm through listening to that crap'. Its time he listens to his heart.

As Burt and Carole are saying goodbye to Rachel Carole says "Finn are you coming home now?"

"No Ma, I'm going to hang back for a bit. I want to talk to Rachel". Carole turns to Rachel to give her one final hug and whispers in her ear "He still loves you, you know. Go get him and get him out of my house. I love him but he needs you.' Rachel giggles and tells Carole 'that's the plan". Burt gives her one final hug and gives Finn a knowing nod. 'Good night".

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