Chapter Sixteen Not So Big Man on Campus

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I put a lot of smut into my writing because when I was in my 20's living with the love of my life we were naked all the time. It's what young love is. Making love whenever you want. Not getting enough of each other ever. Woman love sex just as much as men (I think I love it more than my husband) and I suspect that my Rachel is the same way. Finn is just too damn sexy. I can't keep them off each other and I'm going to continue to write smut filled chapters.

Chapter 16

It has been two weeks. Two of the best weeks of Finn Hudson's life. He got his girl, he's in New York, he's going to Colombia University and he's the Quarterback again. He was so down last year that this seems like a dream.

He walks the quad and people recognize him. His professors are more accommodating, girls are throwing themselves at him (not that he wants them, he has Rachel). Guys want to be his friend. This is the life Finn Hudson was supposed to have. And thanks to his hard work he got what he deserved. Suck it OSU!

They would be playing Rutgers and the line was in the Lions favor. Since Finn took over the team was Sympatico. It was as if Finn and his offensive line especially the Center Jon Munch, played on the same team for their whole life. The receivers were automatically were Finn dropped the ball. His arm was getting nothing but better with every completed pass, there were many. Finn hardly missed a receiver. He is 53 for 62 in completed passes since he took over in the 3rd quarter against Stanford. Life was pretty good for Finn.

"OH MY GOD you're Finn Hudson" a blonde girl and her red headed friend exclaimed when they saw him walking to his Directorial 101 class across the quad. "Ladies" Finn replied with his closed mouth half smirk smile. Finn thought the girls were going to wet themselves and he chuckled. It was exhilarating to have that effect on someone.

The leggy blonde sauntered up to Finn stopping his stride. "Me, you, somewhere with low lighting were we don't have to talk. What do you say?" She looked at him with hopeful eyes. "No can do sorry. I doubt my girlfriend, whom I live with, would take to kindly to that offer. But thanks for your support for the team." That was Finn's stock answer for when girls propositioned him. The blonde was now in full out pout but it did not deter Finn. He sidestepped her and started back on his journey. "That's it! I offer myself up and that's it!" the blonde girl yells after him. Finn turns around and says "Look, you're probably a nice girl or something, but I love my girlfriend and that's not changing. I'm not a cheater either and I don't do random. I sort of a one woman kind of guy." With that Finn is back to walking. The blonde thinking to herself 'that boy is hot and whoever his girl is she is one lucky girl.'

Finn makes to practice, without some random girl trying to get into his pants and sighs relieved. He loves the smell of the locker room and the pigskin. This was where he felt most like himself. The football field and Rachel.

Rachel has been so great these two weeks. He knows it's a big adjustment for her. He's trying to balance everything without having her worry. She is still in Rehearsal for Funny Girl and most of the time she comes home dog tired. She always tells him, she feels gross and unattractive after rehearsal and he probably is going to find someone else who isn't stuck in rehearsals all day and night and is more attractive than she is. Finn readily calms her down and quiets her fears every time. Except it's not with words. They hardly been speaking to each other because of their schedules. But in the darkness, when it's just the two of them and her insecurities Finn makes her feel like she is the most beautiful woman to have ever lived. He remembers the first night she came home and overheard Santana going on to Kurt about him and girls throwing themselves at him

"Lady Face, you should have seen it. Six of the hottest girls I've ever seen just laying it all out there for Frankenteen. One right after the other. They were relentless" Santana is still in awe. Earlier that day Finn had stopped at the diner for lunch and Santana watched as girl after girl approached and propositioned him in one way or another. "He's taken Santana. Really Finn, I hope you don't do anything stupid that you are going to regret. You and Rachel just got back together."

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