Chapter Seven It's not Your Choice

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"Don't stop, don't stop, hold on to that feeelllng" Finn reaches over to his alarm clock and hits snooze for the third time. "Finn if you don't get your ass out of this bed and go to class" Rachel grunts "Since when aren't you a morning person?" Finn retorts "Since I turned 20 and realized that 6am is really a cruel joke on the world" "Welcome to the world of the sane, babe." Finn laughs and rolls Rachel under him. "Finn stop, I told you last night, Noah is here and there will not be a repeat performance until we are alone." "Right now I don't care what you two do as long as shutting the fuck up is involved." Puck yells from his side of the room.

Finn throws an empty can in Pucks direction and says "Shut up no one was talking to your cock blocking ass." "Finn?" Rachel warns. "Oh alright I'm up I'm up." Finn says as he's shucking on his discarded jeans and running his fingers through his unruly hair. "Finn they invented this thing called a comb so your hair doesn't look like you just rolled out of bed." Rachel laughs at him. Finn jumps back onto the bed and gives Rachel a long kiss and looks into her eyes "you know that you were always unable to resist the fin and if what I've been doing to you for the last 2 days is any indication, you still are not able to resist." Finn continues to kiss her neck and along her jaw line. "Finn that's nice. I do love your fin." Rachel meows. Rachel opens her eyes and spies the clock. Throwing Finn off of her (damn she strong for such a tiny thing) "Finn it is 6:15 doesn't your class start at 6:30? You're already late." "Rach, I've got 15 minutes." "No babe, you should always arrive at least 15 minutes before class actually begins. I shows you care." "And there is high school Berry rearing her ugly head" Puck states as he walks toward the bathroom scratching his belly. "

"Puck be nice." Finn throw daggers at him with his eyes. "Why, does he have to get into our conversations? This does not concern you Puckerman." Rachel cries "Whatever Berry" Puck yells "Now shut your pie whole, I got to concentrate on my morning deuce." "Classy Noah." Finn jumps off the bed laugh "Okay you two kids play nice and if you're good when daddy gets home you might get a nice treat." Finn chuckles. "I got to jet baby. Pucks gonna walk you to the computer lab. You're allowed to use the phone in there. So don't for get to call the producers and Rupert." "I love you babe, I won't forget and get your sweet ass to class so you can get back here faster." With a final kiss Finn runs out the door and Rachel gets up to start the coffee.

Twenty minutes later, "Finally, I thought you may have died in there." Rachel says exacerbated. "Nah, just decided to take a quick shower, you could have joined me." Puck stands there with his cocky smile. "Well, as tempting as that may have been, I only shower with one man and you are not him." Rachel giggles and walks into the bathroom. "Noah, I made coffee and I'll be done in 30 so you can take me to the computer lab." "Yeah, yeah." 'How did I get roped into this again' Puck thinks to himself. "Damn big doe eyes." Puck sighs out loud.

Twenty minutes later Rachel is ready and her and Puck are out the door. It's a 10 minute walk across the campus to get to where they need to be. Ever the one to fill the silence Rachel starts "Finn tells me you are going into the Air Force" Puck nods. "Well, that's good right?" Puck looks at Rachel and thoughtfully thinks of an answer. "I guess I'm tired of following the leader you know. Finn's my boy don't get me wrong. But this ain't high school and he can't be my quarterback calling my plays. I got to grow up Rachel, I got to stop relying on Finn to keep me from screwing up." "Noah, you know Finn loves you like his brother and would do anything for you." "That's it Berry, I got to stop relying on him so he can start living his life without worrying about what Pucks going to get into. I owe him so much and I want him to be proud of me. I want to be seen as Noah Puckerman, not Puck Finn's delinquent friend."

"He is proud of you, and if this is what you really want then we will support you whole heartily. How's your mom and Sarah taking it." "My ma's been going to temple praying pretty much every day since I told her. And Sarah she's mad says I'm leaving her like dad did. I explained it to her, but she is just so mad at me, she's not having it." "Would you like me to talk with her? I don't know what it's like for my brother to enlist, but I do know what it's like when someone you love does." "You'd do that Rachel?" Puck sighs like a weight has been lifted off of his heart. "Of course, you're my friend and I love you. I want you to be happy when you leave and have peace. So nothing distracts you from your training."

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