Chapter Three Plans and thoughts

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Back in New York, Rachel had hung up with her dads as Kurt and Santana entered the loft from their shifts at the Spotlight Diner. "Hey you two, how was the diner?" Rachel greeted her loft mates. "Being nice makes me want to throw up on people" Santana retorted. "It was not that bad Satan" Kurt chimed in and continued "Rachel how did your dads take the news?"

"Well, Kurt, you know how my daddy is such a drama queen, he started screaming and sobbing my papa thought I died. Once Papa got the phone away from daddy, I told him and of course they were proud and said they knew I could do it. Usual doting daddy stuff."

"It is so great that you have that support, I wish I could have that with mi abuela." Santana was melancholy and simply stated the fact. "One day San, one day." Kurt and Rachel reassured her.

"So, my dads are insisting we go to Lima so they can throw a "Celebration for Fanny" Party. They said they will not take no for an answer." Rachel looked at her friends with that Rachel Berry smile that no one could say no to and of course they'll go they say.

"A sale at Marc Jacobs couldn't keep me away" Kurt Laughed. "It also gives me a reason to sneak a visit with my Fiancé. I've missed Blaine so so much. I always love visiting dad and Carol."

"If there is alcohol I'm in, I wants to get my party on. I've got to hand it to you dwarf, you took everything anyone ever said and did to you in high school and you came to New York, eight months later, bam a starring role. And now you get to triumphantly return and shove it up their Lima Loser asses." "I have to say I'm kind of proud to call you my friend"

"Awe Santana, you love me." Rachel cooed and she and Kurt attach themselves to either side of Santana. "Oh, God. 1. Stop hugging me and 2. If you tell anyone I will go all Lima Heights on your asses, clear?" "Yes Aunty Snixx" they said in unison.

"So when were they thinking of having this shindig? Do I have time to call and help coordinate it? Do you think they'd let me do it Rachel?" "Kurt slow down, I got off the phone with them like a minute ago and yes they will gladly accept any help you are willing to give." Rachel sighed. To Kurt, party coordinating and makeovers were like crack. She was going to have to reign all three of them in, because she wasn't looking for some big blow out. Rachel wanted to celebrate intimately, with the people she loved and have supported her through everything.

Rachel was looking forward to getting to Lima, she had some business to take care of in the form of one Finn Hudson. OGFHTNYC (Operation get Finn Hudson to NYC) was going to happen weather he was ready or not. Rachel was done with the Universe and its stupid plan. She was taking control and that was that. "Well we will have to have Gunther give all three of us off for at least 5 days if not more. I'll let my dads know about 2 weeks" Rachel said.


JFK airport is extremely crowed and all Rachel wants is to get on that plan and get to her Finn. Oh yeah her party too. But the freaking TSA has other plans today. 'Ugh I hate the damn TSA' Rachel thought to herself. "Why is it taking so long to get through security? Kurt!" "Santana, go up there and go all Lima heights Please. I just want this line to mooooveeeeeee" Rachel wined. Rachel, I swear on Lady Gaga if you don't shut your pie hole I'm going to rip out those extensions piece by piece" Kurt snapped back. Santana snickered and Rachel pouted. About 5 minutes later they are through security and waiting to board the plane. "I'll be there soon Finn' Rachel mused in her head.

In Lima, Rachel's dads had invited people that Rachel would agree on, the Glee club and Mr. and Mrs. Shue, her granny and pop pa, Burt and Carole and of course Finn. She kept her list small because she knew her dads and they would inevitably invite more than that so if she had those people she'd be happy and her dads would be happy to show her off to the others.

Two days after she, Kurt and Santana arrived they met the New Directions at Breadstix for a mini reunion. Not everyone was in Lima yet, but everyone promised they'd be there for her party on Saturday.

Finn saw Rachel walk into Breadstix wearing a pair of skinny jeans, a soft blue cashmere sweater. Her hair was down (she took the extensions out, he liked that) slightly curled, and little makeup just the way he liked. She was so breathtakingly beautiful. Her eyes on him, his eyes on her, it was as if no one else was in the room. "Damn Hudson do I need to get you a bib?" Puck cackled and slapped Finn on his back breaking the spell Rachel had cast him under. "Fuck Puck, why do you have to be an ass all of the time" Finn spit back at his best friend. "Chillax, dude. You can tap that whenever you like by the way she's looking at you. It's like your one of her disgusting vegan burgers and she can't wait to taste you." "Dude, she is still my Rachel and you can't talk like that about her." Punching Puck in the leg, so no one would see. Just as he looked up Rachel was walking over to them after saying hi to Tina, Artie, Sam and Mike.

He could tell she was a bit stand offish and he stood to greet her. "Rachel, you look beautiful." "Thanks Finn. Are you well?" Yes, ba, Rach I'm doing well. I can't wait for the party Saturday." Looking at each other like they would lose the air in their lungs if they stopped, Puck finally interrupted "sup Berry, you done good girl. I wouldn't expect anything less from my favorite Jewish American Princess." "Thanks Puck, I didn't see you there" Rachel said still looking at Finn "No Shit" Puck mumbled. 'Oh my god oh my god he is so handsome, when did he get so tone? Look how that sweater hugs his chest and oh goodness look at those arms' Rachel let out a small moan, Puck laughed, and Finn Slapped Puck upside the head.

"Let's Eat!" Kurt yelled across the table. Finn lead Rachel into the booth by placing his hand in the small of her back and shivers ran up and down her spine. 'How am I supposed to eat when all I want to do is rip off his pants and shirt and ride him on the table' Rachel thought.

Finn was having a hard time containing his arousal just at the sight of Rachel and now he has to sit next to her and smell her raspberry shampoo and her butterfly flowers body wash. 'Eat, yeah I'll eat but it won't be food from the kitchen. I so want to take Rachel and lock us up in my room, never let her out and eat all I want' Finn was lost in his thoughts. 'Soon Rach, I'll be with you soon.'

Lunch was wonderful and had went off without a hitch. Two days from now Finn would be hers again.


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