Chapter Fourteen Rehearsals and Loneliness

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A few weeks after the Gala, Rachel has begun her rehearsals. She was getting school credit for her time in Funny Girl, but still had some online course she had to take. Her schedule was grueling. She was tired but she was loving it all the same.

Finn on the other hand felt like he hasn't seen his girl in ages. They were two ships passing in the night. He would be asleep when she got home or she'd be asleep when he woke up.

They haven't been fighting about it, because they haven't had time to see each other. Finn has started at Colombia. He was enjoying everything there was about Colombia. He just really missed Rachel.

Rachel was missing Finn so much. She knew that she'd be busy with rehearsals and school but she never imagined that it would be like this. They slept in the same bed, but that is all they had been sharing. Neither had the energy to talk about what was going on with them. They always found time to make love before, but for some reason they hadn't had sex since school and rehearsals started.

"STOP!!!! Rachel you missed your cue again. What the hell is going on with you? You seem out of it and frustrated. Is anything going on that I should worry about? Rupert stopped the run through of Sadie, Married Lady for the fourth time in two hours because Rachel could not get it together.

Nothing was going on per se, Rachel was so sexually frustrated she was about to burst. Finn and she had had a few false starts and she felt like he was slipping away from her. She could not get it together and she knew she must, because if she didn't Rupert could and would replace her. She was no Barbra yet. They did not have to put up with her sloppiness.

"No Rupert. I'm so sorry. I'll get it organized. Nothing is wrong that I can't take care of. I'm a bit tired. The rehearsal schedule is a bit more intense than I anticipated, but I am a professional and I will get my act together." "Everyone take 10. Rachel if I may?" Rupert motioned for Rachel to join him down stage. "Rachel, this is your role. I need you to be 100% here. I'm giving you two days off and I expect that when you return you will have overcome this shortcoming and be ready to give everything to the production." "Rupert, I really don't think that is nec....." Rupert cut her off "I'll see you in two days, Rachel. It wasn't a request. It is an order. I don't want you at this theatre for two days." "Yes, Mr. Donovan." Rachel responds sheepishly and hangs her head. "Rachel, it's okay. I've told you before its Rupert, even if I'm yelling at you. But something is going on in that head of yours and I need my leading lady in tip top physical, vocal AND emotional shape. I'm not punishing you. I'm giving you ample opportunity to fix the minor problem if that is what it is before it becomes a major problem and producers get involved. Understand?" "Thank you so much for believing in me Rupert. I appreciate the two days and I will solve this problem and be back ready to blow you away." Rachel assures him. "Fantastic, not get out of here and I'll see you on Thursday." Rupert pushes her toward the exit.

Get ready Finn Hudson, I'm coming home and rocking your world. Rachel thought to herself while waiting for the train.

Finn was walking on campus from his percussion class to his Directorial 101 class when he noticed a couple of guys throwing the football around while a couple of other guys were stopping guys and talking to them. 'Man I miss football' Finn thought to himself. One of the bigger guys looked up and say Finn walking and staring. "Hey man get you tall ass over here. I want to talk to you about something." The big dude yelled a Finn. "You talking to me?" Finn inquired. "Do you see any other freakishly tall asses? Yeah I'm talking to you. Brad's the name and you?" "Finn, Finn Hudson" Finn extends his hand to Brad.

"Well, Finn Hudson, I've got an opportunity of a life time to offer you. That is if you know how to play football? See, we are here today to recruit for the practice squad. We need guys that we can beat up on and not have to worry about injuring for the game. What do you say? You play?" Brad looks intently at Finn.

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