Chapter Nineteen Opening Night

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Finn was tired. Football has been kicking his ass. He's been having the time of his life. He's the starter for the Columbia Lions and he is also a new husband. His team has been on a winning streak. He is recognized on campus daily. He has been keeping up with his classes for his Directorial Major. He sometimes wonders how he does it all. He knows he'd be nowhere without Rachel. He'd be in Lima doing what the town expected out of him. His family believed in him and Rachel never doubted him for a minute.

Tonight was her night. Opening night for Funny Girl. She's worked so hard to get here. He knew when they first met that she would be a star on that stage. Even though he is dog ass tired he pulls himself out of the locker room shower to head home to dress for the show. He's never been more proud of anything than he is of his wife.

Rachel was pacing. It was 11 am, her show started at 7pm. So her she was pacing, waiting, pacing. She knew she'd be alone until Finn got home at 12pm then she would be able to calm down. He was her person. The one to make everything make sense. The one calm to her crazy. He would love her through it.

It was noon and Finn slid the door open he saw her and let out a small chuckle. She was beautiful in her tank top and boy shorts pacing the floor. "You know, you might wear a hole in that floor" he tells her. "Oh, Finn I'm so glad your home. I'm going nuts. What if I forget my lines? What if I can't hit that high note? I can't do this. I'm not ready" Rachel rambles.

Finn knew he'd come home to a full on Rachel meltdown he was ready. "Baby look at me" he gently grabs her wrist and pulls her to him and walks to the sofa to sit down. He pulls her with him placing her on his lap. He strokes her hair and looks at her stunning face. "Baby, you're going to be perfect. You know the play backward and forwards. You've been belting out these songs since you could sing. You are ready, you can do this. You know how I know? He asks his wife of one week. She shakes her head. "I know because you are Rachel Barbra Berry and you don't fail at anything." "Hudson" she whispers "Huh?" he quizzes. "I'm Rachel Barbra Hudson" she says with more confidence. "Damn straight. We Hudsons don't quit. We can do anything as long as we are together" He laughs dropping sweet kisses along her neck.

He continues to kiss his wife while running his hand under her tank rubbing the exposed skin on her back. He lifted her up and walked to the bedroom. He knew what she needed. He laid her on the bed. He pulled her boy shorts down taking her panties with them. She lay there her opening glistening in the glow of the afternoon sun. Finn licked his lips dropping to his knees he pulled her to the edge of the bed. He hooked her legs around his shoulders.

Pushing her folds away revealing the little swollen bundle. Finn swiped at it with his tongue earning a low moan from his wife. He enter a finger into her wet core taking the clit between his lips and sucking. He pumped his finger in and out spreading her walls then slid another finger into her. Rachel loved when Finn went down on her. She always told him he was very talented and his skill in the art of pussy eating was unsurpassed.

Finn continued to drive his fingers into her velvety smooth core hitting the spot she would scream for. He reached the back of her wall and Rachel arched her back off the bed so high, Finn had to push her hips back down onto the mattress. Finn licked next to her clit on either side. Licking and sucking her thighs. He was everywhere but where she needed him to be. His fingers still rubbing the inside of her walls. He pushed his tongue against her clit earning him "FINN Fucking Hello." He then grasp the bundle with his teeth nipping causing Rachel to scream. Continuing to nip and suck and lick her like a lollipop Finn could feel her walls clamping around his fingers. "Cum for me Rach" he said against her clit. The vibration from his words sent Rachel over the edge. He felt her cum around his fingers. He let her ride her orgasm out on his face lapping up all she had to give. "Thank you" she told him through panting and trying to catch her breath.

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