Chapter Six- The Morning After

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With the sun peeking through the curtains, Finn opens one eye looking around trying to adjust to the light, when it hits him. RACHEL! Finn looks to his left and there she is, in all her gorgeous beauty. Her long dark chocolate hair is spread across the pink pillow of her childhood bed. The sheet is down around her waist, exposing her beautiful olive skinned back. Finn begins to run his hand up and down her spine, she stirs but remains asleep. He moves the hair from her face and stares at her with every ounce of love he has for her. He rolls over to his side to be face to face with his love and he can't help but lean in to her luscious pouty lips and capture them with his.

Rachel's eyes begin to flutter and then a smile of recognition forms across her lips. She gets into the kiss and captures Finn's face in her hands. "Good Morning, handsome." Rachel says lovingly. "Hello Gorgeous" Finn replies trying his best to sound like Barbra. She rolls over to her side and kisses his lips. "You know how completely and utterly adorable you are. Your Barbra impression kind of makes her sound like a drag queen with a cigarette hanging out her mouth, but I appreciate the effort." She giggles as Finn pushes her onto her back and settles between her thighs "Drag queen Huh?" He fiends hurt and pouts until Rachel captures his lips in a searing wake up kiss.

As the kisses continue Rachel feels Finn's "morning wood", as he likes to call it, pressing against her and she lets out a little moan. "Is that for me?" as she diverts her eyes below his waist. "He's always and only for you." He pushes his harden manhood into Rachel's core and she lets out a sexy moan. He has his arms bent at the elbow and is holding her head in both his hands while thrusting ever so slowly and placing sweet kisses along her jaw down to her neck and chest. "You know*** in **** in high school ***out*** whenever I got a whiff of your perfume ***in*** or your shampoo ***out***." Rachel purring from the deliciousness of Finn filling her. Finn continues "Finny Jr. would start to twitch***in***and if I actually saw you***out***Finny Jr would stand at attention***in**** Umm Rachel you are so tight and so beautiful. How did I think I could live without this?" Rachel was butter, her whole body was butter. "Finn, you never have to find out."

"Finn faster please your glacial pace is causing immeasurable delight, but you're...ooh. Oh, Finn" Finn picks up speed maintaining the smooth rhythm he had established earlier. Thrusting fast, Finn lifts Rachel's leg to hook it around his waist so he could go deeper. "OH MY GOD, that's the spot Finn right there. Again Again. " Who and when was he to deny her anything. Finn did what Rachel asked. He knew he wasn't' going to last much longer, one more powerful, deep thrust into Rachel's tiny body then she's screaming his name "FIIIIINNN!!!!!!" As her walls clench around him buried so deep he begins his journey to his own release. "I Love" Finn finally empties into Rachel and they are both breathing heavy trying to regain any coherent thought. Finn rolls over bring her with, carefully so as not to break their link.

Rachel is the first to speak, or try to at least "Finn...learn...that...OMG! Fucking amazing." "I love leaving Rachel Berry speechless and sweaty. Stop swearing like that because it too sexy and I may never let you leave this bed." He laughs as his harsh breathing subsides. Rachel has her eyes closed and a very sated smile on her face. "Rach" Finn whisper and realizes she's sleeping again. He carefully leaves her and grabs the sheet they had kicked off and pulls it up to cover them. He wraps his big arms around her "I love you and I'm never leaving you again" Finn drifts to sleep happy to have this bossy, talented, sexy women who won't take no for an answer to wake up with. What Rachel wants Rachel gets?

BANG BANG Rachel hears someone at the door. She sits up and looks back at Finn with a smile. "FINCHEL GET UP. OH MY GAGA YOU HAVE BEEN LOCKED IN THAT ROOM FOR ALMOST 20 HOURS. YOU NEED TO GET UP, EAT AND SHOWER!" You've traumatized Hiram and Leroy long enough." Rachel starts laughing as she listens to Kurt yelling outside in the hall. "I don't know what's wrong with you two. You can't ever keep your hands to yourselves." Kurt starts to mumble to himself but Rachel can still hear him. "I can't even imagine when they don't have parents in the house. Ugh what am I getting myself into with these two horn dogs?" Bang Bang "Rachel Barbra Berry, Finn Christopher Hudson GET UP!!!"

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