Chapter Five Getting Reacquainted

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"So, what should we do for the rest of the night?" Finn waggles his eyebrows at Rachel. Rachel gives him that megawatt smile and says "I can think of a thing or two I'd like to do to you for the rest of the night." She takes his hand and leads him into the house and up the stairs into her bedroom turns and before she can lock the door Finn says "When did you start using the term sucks balls?" Rachel giggles then Finn hears her turn the lock. CLICK.


As they stand facing each other a million and one thoughts are racing through their minds. Rachel wonders 'is this too fast' Finn muses 'is she sure'. Speaking at once they both say "are you sure/do you really want this?" Laughter broke the tension as Finn strides up to Rachel taking her face into his hands and captures her lips with his. It is a sweet kiss at first then Rachel leans up and deepens the kiss making all their fears or doubts wash away.

Rachel says "Finn I really want this with you. I know you're standing there thinking to yourself 'is this too fast, is she sure, should we wait until we are fully together in New York?' well I thought those things too, but I don't want to wait. I love you and you love me that's never going to change. We are together. This is real and I'm not leaving, you're not leaving, I'm never letting you go again Finn Hudson. So, get over here and make love to your girlfriend and soul mate."

Finn smiles that smile and declares "it would be my pleasure. And I'm not giving you up either, Rachel. You're it for me. I'm done. I want to pursue our dreams together, grow together, make love at ridiculous hours of the day and night, I want to protect you, but not stifle you, I want to have Finchel babies with you and most notably I want to grow old with you."

Rachel begins to unbutton Finn's shirt as Finn starts pecking at her neck with sweet butterfly kisses. She pushes his shirt to the floor and lifts off his undershirt. 'Oh my he has been working out' she ruminates as he helps her lift the shirt all the way above his head and drops it onto the pile. Finn then reaches around to find the zipper of the stunning dress Rachel was wearing. He slowly unzips the dress and the straps fall to her arms. Finn lets the dress fall all the way to the floor and Rachel steps out and his breath catches as he takes in the site of her. She stands with a light blue bra and light blue thong to match "blues my favorite color' he tells her. "I know" Rachel says to him.

The kisses at first are soft and full of love and they begin to become more fervent as Finn back Rachel up to the bed. When her thighs hit the bed Finn lifts her up and cradles her ass "I've miss this ass" Rachel giggles. As he hoist her onto her bed hovers over her Rachel reaches for his belt. She is flips the buckle then grasps for the button holding her out of where she needs to be. "Anxious babe" Finn states. "Finn Hudson if you do not take those pants off now I'm going to destroy you."

"Yes Madame at your service." Finn unzips the offending garment and pulls them down and off. Rachel sighs "much better." They continue kissing and touching, Finn reaches around Rachel to find the hook of her bra. He flicks it open on the first try and Rachel leans up to expose herself to him but holds the garment close to her chest. She always get a bit shy at this point. She doesn't know why, it's just Finn. He's seen her breast many times, but every time is like the first time. She wants him to like what he sees. She wants to be desired, even if her boobs are not that big. Just as he always has, Finn lifts her chin and looks into her eyes and tells her "you are so beautiful. Your body is so lovely and I'm one lucky bastard that I am the only one to every see you this way." "You're too incredible for words." "Thank you Finn, you always know how to make me feel wanted. I love you." "I love you too gorgeous. If I may?" Rachel nods and Finn removes the bra exposing the spectacular mounds he loves so much. Finn kisses down Rachel's chest. When he hits the valley between her breast he takes one into his hand and the other he places kisses and nips and takes into his mouth. Rachel moans. He missed that sound. He could always get her to elicit perfect pitch moans with his mouth. Finn makes sure not to neglect the other one as he switches sides to take her left boob into his mouth and repeats his lapping at her nipple.

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