Chapter Twenty Married Life, No Strife

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Married Life, No strife

The day before Rachel's birthday has the loft mates in a tizzy. They are throwing her a party and she has no idea. Finn has been too busy to help. His team had finished the regular season with 9 wins and one loss and a Rose Bowl game invitation. So Finn was always at the athletics department of Columbia going over game film, plays, training and of course his regular school work. The party planning was left up to Kurt, Blaine and Santana, okay really just Kurt, Blaine and Santana pretty much were his bitch. Did whatever he needed.

Rachel had a matinée only on her birthday. The producers and director were apprised of her surprise party and gave her the evening performance off. She tried to tell them "No, no way, this is my show and I don't want the night off" but in the end Mrs. Goldblum convinced her to enjoy an evening with her husband and assured her that her understudy would not win the part with her out for one performance.

"Satan!" Kurt bellows for Santana. "I swear to mi dios if you don't calm the hell down, I'm going all Lima heights on your sorry ass. What do you need now?" She says coming out of her room. "Did you call the caterer? Because I'm on the line and they don't have the changes I asked you to make." He looks at her and she looks away. "Damn it Santana, I asked you one thing and you could even do it." Kurt gave his attention back to the lady on the phone. "Please-that would be greatly appreciated-I know-next time-yes-yes-I'll do it myself. Thanks again for that see you tomorrow."

"You are so lucky they can change the tofu dish so Rachel can have her sweet potato curry instead of that god awful tofu shit she says she likes but we all secretly know she hates." "If she hates it so much why does she eat it?" Blaine asks coming in to see what the dust up is about. "She is trying to be a good vegan. She thinks she has to eat tofu. When there are so many other things she can eat." Kurt answers. "She is loca from way back. She's always stealing my chicken when we go for burritos. She doesn't think I see her. She eat the chicken because her freakishly tall husband loves chicken." Santana retorts.

"I can't wait for this party she's going to be so surprised. And we all know how she hates surprises." Blaine says. "It's not that she doesn't like surprises, she doesn't like not knowing what everyone else does." Finn says sliding the loft door open and closing it again. "Dear Brother, you are home early for once" Kurt says eyeing up his tired looking brother. "Yeah, coach gave me the night off so I could get rest for the party. He says I can't disappoint my wife. Something like happy wife no strife" Finn yawns.

"Its happy wife, happy Life. Finn" Blaine corrects him. "Whatever dude, I'm exhausted and every muscle in my body hurts and if I'm to keep my wife happy I need my rest. I'm taking a shower and going to bed" Finn walks toward the bathroom. "Ewe" Kurt says. "Get some Frankenteen" Santana ribs. "Poor Finn" Blaine commiserates. The three loft mates' watch as a tired Finn drags himself into the bathroom. Finn turns and flips them all off and closes the door. When they hear the shower running Santana turns to the gay Olsen twins "He is going to be a surprised as she is. Burt and Hiram showed me the apartment they bought them for their wedding this morning. It's beautiful guys." "Dad sent me pictures, they are going to love it." Kurt says dripping in jealousy. "Do I hear jealousy in that babe" Blaine says. "Sure do. They are going to be in Manhattan and we are stuck out her in Bushwick." Kurt responds. "Well Rachel is the only one of us that can afford an apartment in Manhattan and from what I understand the daddies Berry put a hefty down payment so they practically own the thing." Santana says. They are going to love it. It's a two bedroom two bath apartment in the heart of Manhattan, close to Columbia and NYADA, and practically around the corner from the theater district. Rachel had been looking at places and even took Finn and her Dads to a couple, but in the end Finn and Rachel decided to wait to buy a place until Finn was more established in his directing career. But the daddies and the Hudmels knew the newlyweds needed their own place. Kurt practically begged his dad to save his "ears from falling off due to the Finchel sex". They had furnished every room except the master bedroom and bath. They figured Rachel would want to do that herself.

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