Chapter Eighteen FINCHEL WEDDING!

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"Going to the chapel, gonna get married, going to the Chapel of love" Hiram is singing as he walks the hallway of the Plaza. He was putting the finishing touches on the Chuppah. Rachel wanted more Asters adorning the canopy. The aster is a small flower that resembles a star, and we all know how Rachel loves her stars and metaphors. Knocking on the Hummel's suite door he is greeted by a disheveled Kurt.
"Oh, thank God you're here! She's going all crazy Berry on me. I need reinforcement" Kurt breaths to let Hiram say something. "What's going on? She getting cold feet?" Hiram asks. "No, she wants her something blue to be....."

Over at the loft Burt returned from picking up Puck at JFK and Finn was pacing the floor. "Puckzilla in the house" Puck yells getting Finn to stop. "Hey, bro. I'm so glad you could make it." Finn tells his best friend then resumes pacing. "Son, what's going on? What's with the pacing?" Burt quires. "I don't know. I mean I know that I love Rach and she's the only one for me but I woke up this morning feeling like she can do better. Who am I? Some stupid jock who wants to be a director. She's going to be a huge star. She doesn't need me and what if I screw everything up. What if I forget my vows?" Finn finally takes a breather. "WOW, Berry has rubbed off on you. You said all that without taking a breath." Puck laughs at his friend. "Fuck you Puck! I'm freaking out. I don't need your shit!" Finn screams at his best man. "Dude, chill the fuck out. Berry wouldn't have agreed to marry your gigantor ass if she wasn't sure. One thing about that girl is she ain't afraid to tell it like it is." Puck trying to calm the groom.

Burt steps in placing a hand on Finn's shoulder. "Finn, you and Rachel are an inevitability. We were stupid and selfish for making you two doubt what you had. I'm sorry. If we didn't interfere you and she would be hitched already. This is what you wanted and now you're getting it. Take it. You are not just some dumb jock. You are the Quarterback on a Division I team. Making all the other teams wish they seen you in high school. You are going to be a great director and even direct that beautiful girl of yours. Once you see Rach everything will make sense. You won't forget your vows and who cares if you do. It's no one's day but yours and Rachel's." "Thanks Dad" Finn says wrapping the older man in a hug. "Okay enough of the Lifetime movie shit. We need to get you dressed and to the Plaza before Hummel blows up my phone anymore. He's been texting me nonstop since Burt picked me up." Puck shaking his head pushing Finn toward the bedroom. "Go NOW get dressed. I'm jumping in the shower and I'll be ready in 20 minutes." Puck orders. "I'm going and since when does it only take you 20 minutes. I used to wait for hours for you to be ready to go." Finn asks. "Air Force man. You gots to move that ass or get that ass chewed out. I choose to move my ass." Finn, Burt and Puck all chuckle and the men go about their ways getting ready.

Thirty minutes later: "Finn, Puck" Burt calls for the boys. Finn comes to the kitchen in his black Armani suit that Kurt insisted he get him. "Finn don't worry, Isabella has given me cart Blanche on the vault." He remembers two days ago when he was looking at his old suits. "Looking good son, Kurt will be proud" Burt says just as Puck walks from Kurt's curtained off bedroom. "Puck you look awesome." Finn says to his oldest friend. Puck was dressed in his full dress blues. "Thanks, you know the chic's dig a man in uniform." "Same old Puck" Finn shakes his head.

"Okay here, a toast" Burt continues handing Finn and Puck a shot glass full of scotch. "To Finn, may you have all the happiness today and every day with Rachel that I experience today and every day with your mom. Cheers!" "Cheers!" They all say downing the shot. "Thanks Burt. I hope I do too." Finn hugs his stepdad. "Let's get our married on" Puck says clapping Finns shoulder pushing him toward the door and his bride.

"Kurt give it a rest!" Carole exasperated by her stepson. "It's her wedding she can have what she wants" "I just want her to have a wonderful day. She's my best friend." Kurt pouts. "Well then as her best friend leave her alone. You are not the one being married in it." Carole says. After much yelling some crying (Kurt's not Rachel) Kurt finally relented and let Rachel do what she wanted.

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