Chapter Thirteen Funny Girl Gala

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Saturday was finally here. Friday had been spent all day picking out dresses. One for the Gala and one for her performance. Rachel was so happy and excited. Rachel was keeping both her gowns under wraps until tonight. Kurt is the only one to have seen them because he threw a hissy fit. "Rachel, if I have to listen to you and Finn going at it like wild animals day and night then you will let me help you pick out the right dress for you to wear. It's the least you could do for me. You owe me" Rachel relented and Kurt was with her every step of the way. Only insulting the stylist three times. Rachel was afraid Kurt would scare her off and she would never be styled again. Thankfully the stylist Estee told her not to worry about it when Kurt was out of the room. She said she liked Kurt and even offered Kurt a sit down interview for a paid internship as a stylist. He was over the moon.

Finn was equally indulged yesterday as well. He was treated to a male spa day. "No girly stuff". He was adamant and his stylist was accommodating. He got to try on several different styles of tuxes from designers like Hugo Boss, Ralph Lauren, and Armani. In the end he chose a classic Armani, "Of course, what else is there" Kurt told him.

The producers of Funny Girl Jerry and Mira Goldblum had provided a suite at the Waldorf Astoria, for Rachel, Finn and her "entourage to ready themselves for the Gala. A makeup, hair stylist and manicurist were provide for the females of the group. The Hudmelberry clan were beside themselves with joy. "I could get use to this" Hiram said. "You and me both" Carole contributed. Rachel was ecstatic that she was able to provide this level of pampering for her family.

The daddies arrived last night and Finn's parents had made it in on Thursday afternoon. Everyone was in the suite awaiting Rachel's grand entrance. For the last three hours she has been holed up in one of the bedrooms of the suite with all her stylist working their magic, as Kurt said. "She doesn't need magic, Rachel is the most beautiful woman on the planet anything they do only makes her that much more gorgeous." Finn said. Carole looked at her son "Rachel is lucky to have you. You are truly a remarkable young man, Finn. I am so proud of you." "Thanks ma. I love her. I'm the lucky one." Finn stated "You look so good Finn. Just like your dad." Finn blushed (in a manly way, you know) and words were not necessary. "You look great too ma." Finn kisses his mom's cheek and started pacing.

What is taking so long? Finn looks at his watch. They need to be leaving soon or else they will be late. If there was one thing Finn knew, it was Rachel was not late, she would not be late. But she was not in charge of getting herself ready and had no control over the time. So Finn paced. He'll worry for her. She doesn't need to be panic over time. Hopefully there are no clocks inside the room otherwise she'd be running out the door finished or not.

Rachel had been getting antsy. She'd been in this chair for almost three hours. Holy sweet mother of Moses, I don't have that much hair and I know I'm not that hideous looking. Why is it taking them so long? I am ready to see Finn. Rachel thought to herself. Finally Estee said it was time to put on her gown. They had chosen an Oscar De La Renta gown in black and white. It went perfect with her Christian Louboutin's she purchased. She looks at her image in the mirror and she is floored. She looks gorgeous. Her hair is left long with it swept to the right side, leaving her neck exposed. It is curled slightly and the color is fantastic. Her regular dark brown tresses with a hint of caramel mixed in. She is ready for Finn to see her.

The style team leaves the room first alerting the family that Rachel will be coming out. Finn watches as Rachel appears in the door frame. Finn wants to cry she is so beautiful. He has no words. All he can do is catch his breath cross the room and pull her close to his body. Placing a soft but passionate kiss on her pink lip stick stained lips. They pull apart and Rachel looks at Finn "You look fantastic too." Rachel says with a hint of seduction in her voice. "That dress is gorgeous and I can't wait to see it on the floor of this suite when the night is over". Finn whispers and only Rachel can hear him. "Mmm" is all Rachel can get out as Finn kisses her neck.

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