Chapter Nine Finals, Nationals and Fun

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Rachel has been in Lima for about three weeks and online school has been going great for the last two weeks. Being with Finn has been spectacular and she feels like they are growing together and loving the more grown up versions of themselves even more than she thought possible.

Finn's birthday is coming up and Rachel wants to throw him a fantastic party. He is turning 21 and it has to be celebrated with much fanfare and be momentous.

On the phone with Kurt, Rachel schemes to make a plan to surprise Finn. "Kurt, this has got to be the party to end all parties. He will only turn 21 once and I want him to enjoy it before he has to buckle down and get serious. Colombia is not going to be easy for Finn, but I know he can do it. He has to be focused." "You're right diva. He had a hard time in high school but he pulled off a B+ average at the end of senior year. So one blow out before he has to become a responsible directorial student at the prestigious Colombia University. I'm so proud of him." "Me too, he's going to be great. Okay so about the party. I've already sent out the invites and daddy reserved the club house in my subdivision. I have invited everyone from Glee club past and present, some of his U of L friends from the Frat house, and some of the well behaved meatheads from his football days. Carol took care of his family invites." Rachel tells Kurt. Kurt asks "What are we considering for theme?" "Carol thinks we shouldn't have a theme because 1.) He will be too inebriated to appreciate or remember it 2.) He's not a baby anymore, I had to listen to her and comfort her for about an hour when she realized he will be 21 and 3.) "Finn's a simple guy, Rachel" Burt put his two cents in and stated. But I tend to agree. We don't need a theme and keep the decorations to a minimum." Rachel finishes and waits for Kurt to blow a gasket. Rachel cringes and continues to wait for Kurt to say something. "Kurt, are you still there? Kurt! Kurt!"

Kurt finally recovering his powers of speech after what he considers socially unacceptable behavior on Rachel and his parents' part begins to speak. "Are you people crazy? My brother will only have a 21st birthday once. How can we have a party with no theme? I'm not talking about cowboys or star trek wars. I'm talking about grown up sophistication. We have to have a theme Rachel. Hang on I'm going to three way Carol and set you two straight." Kurt pulls the phone away for his ear to start a three way conversation with Carol. Rachel yelling "Kurt! KUUURRTTT!!!!! STOP." Kurt puts the phone back to his ear. "Yes" he says. Rachel tries to reason with Kurt (good luck with that) "My fashionable diva friend." She thinks butter him up with flattery will help "I understand where you are coming from and if this was anyone other than Finn I'd be all aboard with you. But Kurt this is Finn, do you think he would want a themed party? Don't you remember how freaked he was about having to dress and sing lady Gaga? In the end he did for you and to assuage his guilt but he did it kicking and screaming. Let it be a simple but fantastic birthday. We, Carol and I were hoping you would do the food. We will give you carte Blanc on the food with one exception." Kurt clears his throat as Rachel finishes her pitch. "You must have grilled cheese because that is his favorite. Any grilled cheese but grilled cheese none the less. What do you say?" Kurt ponders her offer "I still think a theme would be better but I see I am out voted and wasn't even in the voting. So I will take charge of the food and I can make grilled cheese gourmet." "Thank you Kurt. Finn will love any food you select."

"Carol wants clean and simple décor, so I was thinking some twinkle lights and black and white streamers with a splash of red. What do you think?" Rachel probes. "I like the eloquence of it. It screams grown up. Okay Kurt approved." "That's two things I can scratch off my list now 355 more to go."

Rachel lets out a breath and she and Kurt continue with the phone call. "So, how's New York, do you miss me?" she says. "Of course I miss you. You are my bestie. I am about ready to beat Satan with a stick though. She is constantly bitching. I swear I'm an honorary girl but I really need a shot of testosterone with all the estrogen she has been parading through this apartment since you've been gone. She is not taking her break up with Brits well and her grand being sick is taking its toll on her." Kurt tells her "I'm worried about her. She has a different girl almost every night and when I try to talk to her she goes all Lima heights in Spanish on me." Rachel chuckles a bit "I know it's not funny, I'm sorry. What can we do to help her?" Rachel wonders out loud. "Be her friends I guess. Maybe a trip home to Lima is just what she needs." Kurt says. They continue their conversation for a bit more before Rachel hears the front door open. "Finn's here, I gotta go. Talk to you soon. Call Daddy to set up the caterer. Okay love you."

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