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Hello everyone! Tyy for all the support I've gotten, comments mean the world to me so please leave one! Also constructive criticism about my writing is welcome. Also, parts of this have been inspired by a book called 'alastor angst oneshots'. Go read that if you haven't already it's really good! Have a great day!


-Drug use
-Mild neglect
-Eating disorders?

Alastor's POV

I picked up the bottle of pills, reading the label before swallowing 2. 'OK,  done. What do you want now?'
'Go eat something.'
At that, warning sirens blared in his head and the voices flooded in. 'Don't eat anything. You don't deserve it. You couldn't even protect her you weakling. Give your body nothing but water.' 
He stared at the ornate red wall, eyes burning. Why did he have to be so weird? So... different.
'Uhm- N-no thanks...'

'Sigh... don't listen to those voices, they're liars.'
'Fine. I'll get some water. Happy?'
'No. But it'll do for now.'

He walked down the dark oak stairs, Only to be greeted by the concerned face of Charlie, her blond hair pulled into the usual ponytail, eyebrows furrowed in worry. 'Hey Al, Is something wrong?'
'Everything is quite fine deer, why do you ask?'

'Nifty said you drew some stuff with her? I didn't think you liked art. It doesn't seem like you.'
'Uhm- Yes? I did? I do? I'm not sure how you want me to answer that deer.'

'Oh. Never mind. Carry on!' She said sternly, before turning to her moth girlfriend. 'How was that?'
'It was perfect, darling.' Vaggie replied before kissing her fondly on the cheek. They both blushed and glanced away.

Alastor rolled his eyes, ears falling back slightly. 'You know what, I'll just go.' He turned away from the pair and walked towards the kitchen. Pushing open the door, he grabbed a glass and filled it with water.

He was about to walk up the stairs when Angel intercepted him. 'Hey smiles, you've been acting strange since the battle. Are you OK?' He was a bit taken aback by Angel, specifically the part where he asked if he was OK. 'Uhm- yup, I'm OK.'
'...If you say so smiles.'

He walked away, white-pink hair swinging around. Alastor debated saying 'thanks for asking,' but he faltered and it would've been weird.

He shook his head before turning and walking back up the stairs, then through the wood-paneled door into his office. Sitting in his swivel chair, he picked up a pen and began his work. He was never very good with numbers, preferring to weave stories, write songs, and draw. But still, someone had to work out the finance of this damned hotel.

He was there for hours, slowly sipping from his glass of water, adding and subtracting. Why was this so haarrrddd. His stomach was killing him. The slash wound didn't seem to be getting better, the last time he checked it he could basically see his organs...

A couple hours later

Alastor's POV

I checked the time, eyes heavy. 1:00 AM?? How long have I been here? I looked back at my work. Not finished. Surely it could wait until tomorrow? 'Ugh, so ungreatful. They let you stay here for free and this is what you do? It doesn't matter if you volunteer, you need to finish what you start. Do your part!'

I sighed and picked the pen back up. I was about to continue when my cane said
'No. Go to bed, your really tired and have only gotten 4 hours sleep total this week. And its saturday.' 
'Are you sure?'
'Yes. Go now.'

'... OK.'
I walked downstairs, grabbing another cup of water, before noticing Niffty running around like crazy, cleaning. 'Niffty deer! Why are you still awake? Go to sleep!'
'B-but I need to clean!'
'Sigh Niffty... The hotel is gorgeous, you've done an amazing job. Now go to sleep!'
'But why are you awake Al?'
'I was just doing taxes and stuff.'
'Oh ok!'

I watched as Niffty ran through the red-walled corridor, and my eyes softened. I walked through the single door into the kitchen to grab a small glass of water. lGlancing at the stacks of dirty dishes in the sink, my claws itched with annoyance. I sighed and started washing up. To and fro, to and fro, to and fro. Everything has to be perfect.

After I had finished, I checked the time again. 2AM? Sigh. I wiped off my hands, looking at the empty sink, satisfied. I grabbed my water and started upstairs. When I got to my room, I placed the water on my bedside table, and noticed a small rubber duck on top of it. It looked like me. Cute.

I got in bed, setting the alarm for 5AM. 3hrs sleep... That should be enough.. I lay down on my pillow and slowly drifted into sleep.

In Alastor's Nightmare

Nobody's POV

He rant through the halls, trying to escape the man, no, the monster chasing him. 'Please! Im sorry!' he begged as he ran.
'Sorry isn't good enough.' Tears began to fall from his eyes as he ran through the halls, the ever-growing wooden floors stretching out in front of him. 'What did I do? I can fix it. Just please no!' he said as the man grabbed him. Unable to run, he braced himself for the worst-

The Morning

Nobody's POV

Alastor woke with a start as the alarm blared through the thick silence, cold sweat drenching his hair. He got up and had a quick warm shower, and after getting dressed in his usual outfit, headed downstairs. Opening the door to the kitchen, he started preparing breakfast for everyone as usual. He made pancakes, waffles, eggs and bacon, toast, and laid it all out on the table.

He poured himself a mug of coffee, the caffeine being the only thing keeping him running at this point, and sat in his favourite red armchair near the fire.

When all of the others came down, they sat and started eating hungrily, while he sat at a spot with no plate in front of him. Angel looked over at him questioningly, and asked, 'Are ya not eating smiles?'
'No my effeminine fellow, I ate earlier.' This of course being a complete lie. Angel shrugged and looked back at his own food.

When they had all finished, they were all complimenting the meal. 'This was really good! Thanks Charlie.'
'Yeah thanks Char Char,'
The others murmured their agreement, while nifty and husk looked confused. They had been awake and had therefore seen him make breakfast. 'But-' Nifty started.

'Yes, thank you Charlie,' Al added, eyes widening at Niffty. 'Also,' Vaggie added, 'all these taxes and shit have been done perfectly! You've really outdone yourself Charlie.'
'BUT-' Niffty started again, only to be quietened by a pat from alastor.
'I quite agree with vaggie.'
He said out loud, when inside he was distraught.

All of that work had amounted to nothing. He had stayed up till 3AM doing those taxes. But who was he to complain? he was staying here free of charge. Charlie probably had a lot to do, right?
'Uhm- guys- it really wasn't me-'
'Stop bein' so modest princess.' Angel said.
'Al, got something to say?' Husk said, wanting to see what he would do.

'Oh, not at all Husker. Now I'll be going.' He stood up and headed to hs room, barely making it there before he collapsed from a mix of exuastion and sadness.

He was going to visit Rosie. The only person in hell he could talk too.

1152 Words!!!

Tyy for reading, also I'm wondering if I should keep this radioapple.
If I don't, it can be more angsty😉☺️😚🤗😀😁❤️❤️‍🩹💔

Tyy for reading as always my children!

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