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OML 400 reads!? Yall are crazy!

- Intense gore
- OOC characters
- Suicidal thoughts
- Self-Harm and Mutilation kinda

Nobody's POV

Alastor slowly unwrapped his bandages, staring at the messes of blood that were his wounds. He slowly clawed at his wrists, blood dripping down them. He pooled most of it into his hands, and shaking, crawled slowly to the wall. Sitting cross-legged, he raised his blood-coated hands to the wall. He lightly traced out an outline. 

Beginning to smile, he painted and painted. He painted people, from hell and life. He painted Vox and Rosie, he painted Sir Pentious, he painted Cherri Bomb, and he painted Charlie. He painted them all.

But mostly, he painted himself. Impaled, beheaded, drowned, disembowelled, hung. He especially liked that last one. He tried to add another, but he had run out of blood. He came as close to frowning as he could, disappointed.

Then he brightened up. He could just cut somewhere else! He reached into the hole in his stomach and blindly shredded around. He winced with the intense pain, but he could barely feel it through his pills. His hand emerged covered in blood. He smiled and chuckled, lifting his hand to the already covered wall. He drew more and more.

Blood and bits of flesh were leaking out of his stomach cut, a thin stream of blood dripping out of his mouth as he coughed. He painted the walls until he was sitting in a puddle of his own blood. His skin was almost white, and his eyes were a light pink from all the blood loss. He looked at the walls of his bathroom, satisfied. He hopped back into the now lukewarm bath, shivering.

He was so, so cold. He stood up, bandaging his torso back up. He remembered the events of yesterday night and started shaking. He suddenly doubled over, coughing blood onto the floor. he wiped his mouth and looked into the mirror, eyes widening at his lightened appearance.

He got an idea. He got his makeup and eye contacts and slathered his face until he looked perfect again. He left his room, trying to stop himself from shivering. Why was he so cold? He managed to get himself under control. That was when he remembered the other part of yesterday.

Had Vox really done that? He returned to his room and looked at the bag on his bed. He grabbed the phone from inside to see the screen light up with what he assumed were the time and date. 4 AM. Oh well, one night of missed sleep couldn't hurt, right? He put the phone in his pocket and left. Heading into the foyer, he made everyone breakfast. Niffty came down at around 5.

He greeted her, turning the stove off and shivering, his only source of warmth leaving. Niffty noticed this and asked, 'Al? Are you ok?'
'Yes darling, just a little cold.'
'Then why are you wearing that suit? It looks  really thin and cold...'
'Uhm- I don't really have anything else-'

'Shh- Niffty- you'll wake up the others-'
'Why don't you have any clothes?'
'I don't know, It doesn't matter.'
'Yes it does.'

Alastor picked up the plates of food and set them on the table. He then walked upstairs, shivering slightly as he walked into his office. he grabbed his laptop that he got ages ago, covered in stickers, battered and old, but it still worked well. He took it downstairs and sat in his usual armchair. Opening his laptop he started working out taxes again (Idk anything about taxes lol)

He watched as the other hotel residents started waking up and coming down. He put his head down, prepared for them to thank Charlie again. Instead niffty came up and pulled on his leg in front of everyone. 'Yes, darling? Did you need anything?'
'I just wanted to thank you for breakfast.'

Al smiles, genuine this time. 'No problem darling.'
Niffty looks pointedly at the others. 'Aren't you going to thank him as well?'
'Al hardly does anything around here, it was the least he could do.' Vaggie said.

The others looked away except Husk, who looked at Alastor again, watching his reaction. Alastor looked down, trying to hide his teary eyes. If he cried, he would ruin his make-up and blow his cover. He shivered. Why was it so cold?

Niffty noticed and hugged his leg, bringing a bit of warmth. He leaned into it slightly. Husk noticed and smiled. Alastor went back to typing, squinting at the screen before typing some stuff.

'What are you doing Al?' Said Niffty.
'Oh, just working.'
'You work?' Said Angel.

Alastor side-eyed him. 'No, I'm playing FNaF. Of course dummy.'
'Damn ok. What work are you doing?'
'Anyway, these are pretty good pancakes. Thanks, Al.'
He smiled and looked down bashfully, before his eyes widened. As calmly as he could he stood up, closing his laptop and tried to hold in his coughs until he got around the corner. 

A soon as he was out of earshot, he started coughing violently. covering his mouth with his hands. He pulled one away to find it covered in blood. Shit. Parts of his makeup had probably been wiped off too. He was about to go clean up when the confused voice of Niffty came from around the corner.

'Alastor? Why did you leave so-' She stopped, eyes widening at the sight of Alastor on his knees, doubled over, coughing violently, blood seeping through the hands covering his mouth. Alastor managed to stop coughing somehow. 'H-hey Niffty, w-whats up?'

'What- how? Why didn't you tell anyone?'

'I-' He was cut off by a fit of coughing.
'Don't apologise. How did you get to this?'
'C-cant tell.'

'W-why is it s-so cold? It shouldn't be cold.'
'Blood loss.'

'Do you want me to hug you for warmth?'
'Will I b-be warm?'
'Yes Alastor.'

Niffty snuggled up to him, and he wrapped his arms around her, relishing the small amount of warmth that came from her.
'T-thank you.'
'No problem Al.'

'I'm going to clean up now. Thank you Niffty.'
'No problem.'

He walked to his room and cleaned up, fixing his makeup and sat on his bed for a while. then he remembered the phone in his pocket. He pulled it out and started tapping the screen. Please choose your password. Seems simple. He entered the password 2111. It opened to show a light blue screen with small symbols on it.

Oooh, so it's like a laptop. He knew how to use those. Kind of. He tapped one called messages, and it opened to see a couple of messages from Vox. He tapped on his contact and saw the messages.

'Hey, Alastor! Just wanted to ask if you wanted to meet up sometime? We are friends now after all!'

Alastor smiled. Maybe this friendship could work out after all. That could be nice.

'Sure! When and where are you thinking?'

1096 Words!!!
Damn, Al suffered a lot in this.
Al and Vox have bestie material fr
Tyy for reading as always children!

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