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Helloooo!!! Betcha missed me. Warning, this chapter is verrryyy angsty and kinda dark sooo... Btw ur comments and votes are the only thing motivating me rn so PLEASEEE leave one!


-Mentions of SH
-Very OOC Characters
-Nice Vox
-Implied Rape/Non-Con(Nothing specific)
Lots of POV changes so watch out!

Nobody's POV

Al picked himself up off of his bed, wincing as the cuts on his wrists and his stomach started stinging painfully despite the bandages. He took a deep breath before grabbing 2 of his favourite pill bottles, taking the recommended dose of both. He sighed as both the pain and sadness faded away. 

Smiling brightly, he stepped into the red-carpeted hallway. He flicked his ears around. No one on this floor. He could hear the chatter of Husk, Angel, and Nifty downstairs. Charlie and Vaggie were with them, and Lucifer wasn't in the hotel. Good.

He walked downstairs, heading into the lobby, where Angel and Nifty were both sprawled out on lounge chairs near the fire. No one paid any attention to him, as per usual. He sighed quietly. What he would give to be noticed, appreciated. His staff emitted a louder-than-usual static, responding to his internal sadness, even though his mind was higher than heaven, all smiles and giggles, mostly thanks to the pills.

He closed the main door behind him, stepping out into the red landscape of hell. Walking down the streets, he looked around at the terrified sinners, scrambling out of his way. He felt a pang of sympathy.

He was once just like them... No. He is not sympathetic! He was the Radio Demon. He brushed it off and kept walking.

In cannibal town

Rosie POV

'Oh yes, Susan, we can surely find some use for- OH MY STARS! ALASTOR?' I called from across the room. (ok ik she says that every time but I had to lolz)

He awkwardly waved, not wanting to interrupt probably. I flipped the closed sign and walked over to him, pulling him in for a quick hug, not missing the wince of pain crossing his face. 'Are you alright Al?

'Of course Rosie dear!'
'Are you sure? you seem hurt.'

Alastor POV

Oh shit. 
'Of course I'm not hurt! Why would I be?'
'You flinched.'

'Nuh uh'

'Yuh uh'

'Nuh uh'

'Yuh uh'

'Nuh uh'

'Yuh uh'

'Shut up.'
'AHA! So where are you hurt?'
'I'm not.' I can't tell her! She'll probably abandon me if I'm weak again...
'Yes, you are.'

'Ok dear follow me.'
'Okie dokie I guess.'

We walked up a hallway, one that I knew led to her rooms. I looked around at the pictures of graphic violence and couldn't help but wince.

I'm going soft. I never used to have second thoughts on murder... But now...

Rosie opened a door and gestured for me to enter. I walked in and waited for her to shut the door behind her.

'Yes ma'am.'
'Shush you.'

I sat and she sat next to me. 'What's up? How're you? Do you want some blood tea?'

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