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Heyyy... so uh, this chapter took a while, huh? I had to study for a test I'm sorry. BUT IT'S HERE NOW!!!


-Referenced Child abuse
-OOC Characters

Nobody's POV

The hotel fell deadly silent. All eyes were on Alastor, whose expression was blank, eyes staring glassily at nothing. Vox walked down the stairs, a curious expression on his face. 'It just went really quiet is everything- ok she just slapped Alastor I am now going to take him goodbye.' Vox took Alastor's hand and pulled him gently upstairs. Alastor followed blankly, offering no resistance.

Vox pulled him into his room, gently setting him down on the bed. Alastor just kept staring blankly. 'What happened?' Rosie asked him.
'Someone slapped him. I don't know who though. He seemed, or seems, like he's in a bit of shock.' 

'I'm going to go have a word with them.' Rosie walked downstairs to the lobby, where she was greeted by a teary Charlie half in her demon form yelling at a red headed woman. Rosie walked to Husk and Angel who were partially yelling at her too. 'Husker dear?'

'WHO- Oh hello Rosie.'
'Is she the person who hit Alastor?'
'Yeah... The fucked up thing is she is also his mom.'

Rosie stormed towards the woman, gaze dark.
'What did he even do huh??? The AUDACITY to treat your own son like that.'
Grace looked helplessly at John, who looked at her with a fake sad expression on his face. 'Grace... how could you?' He moved to stand with the others, 'he didn't even do anything?!'
'He was mocking me! And YOU'RE WORSE ANYWAY!' She pointed at John.

Charlie lifted her head. 'I'm sorry, but you hurt a member of this hotel. I cannot allow you to stay here Grace.' Grace lifted her head.
'W-well fine!' She stormed out.
'Was she always like that...?' Charlie asked John.

He nodded. 'Unfortunately so.'
Charlie cringed and looked away. Her gaze focused on Rosie's fuming expression that was being directed at the door. 'Rosie? How's Alastor?'
Rosie snapped back to the present.

'Vox is with him right now, I'll go check.'
Rosie quickly speed walked up the stairs, walking into Alastor's room. Alastor and vox were entwined on his bed, Alastor was shaking and Vox was trying to comfort the figure that was wrapped around him tightly. 'It's ok Al, it's ok.' 

'I-i don't und-er-sta-nd... what d-did I d-do wr-ong? I-i can fix i-it! I-i will make th-em pro-ud.'
Vox and Rosie looked at each other, concerned.

'S-she nev-er used to h-hurt me, she o-only sent m-me the-re for me! F-for my o-own goo-d. S-she said... that t-they wi-ll fix m-me.'
Rosie's and Vox's looks became increasingly worried.

Alastor stopped trembling and snuggled deeper into Vox's arms, conserving the warmth he could get from him. Vox fiddled with his ears, filling the room with the noise of Alastors purrs. Soon, he drifted off into some much needed sleep.

Rosie came and sat down next to them. 'Where do you think he was talking about?' She whispered to Vox. 'I have no idea.'

'Let's go tell Charlie he's OK.''
Okie dokie ma' am.'
'Shut up.'

They walked out, and Alastor's eyes snapped open. He stood up. He walked over to the bathroom and undid the bandages on his wrists, grabbing the knife and cutting them deeply. Blood poured over his arms and he swiped at it, beginning to draw again. He drew the days events.

If it was his dad that hit him, he wouldn't have been so surprised. That's just normal. But his mother? He thought she was good. It was probably an accident. He must have done something super bad. He stumbled back into the room, grabbing his boba with cold hands slick with blood, and struggled back to the bathroom, sipping the cold, sweet liquid through the straw. He coughed, blood staining his suit, and dripping onto the floor.

Shit. He would have to clean this up before they came back. He got a towel from the bathroom and cleaned the floor, trying to get most of it out of the carpet. He cleaned himself up and got changed into clean clothes, sitting back on the bed. He shivered.

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