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Prepare for major angst everybody!!!


-OOC Characters
-Mentions of rape/non-con
-Mentions of abuse
-Mental breakdowns
-My AU/HC so yeah


Rosie looked at niffty, whose eye was welling up. 'Is Al ok?'
Rosie looked at the fragile, light, trembling deer curled up in her arms, wincing as she saw blood dripping down the front of his face. 'Not exactly,  Niffty dear, but he will be soon.'

She picked Al up in her arms, carrying him to the bathroom. But when she tried the door, it was locked. Huh. She instead went out of his room and to the guest room next to it. She opened it to see a nice room, with a closet and bathroom. She headed into the bathroom and set him down in the empty tub.

Grabbing a damp cloth, she gently wiped the blood on his face, stopping when it was clean and the rest of the make-up was gone too, leaving a face that was a sickening shade of white from the blood loss, heavy eyebags and red-rimmed eyes. She noticed his eyes were tightly shut, his trembling form curling in on itself. She picked him back up and headed back into the hallway, where she bumped into Angel and Husker. 

'Hey Rosie- Is that Alastor?'
'Unfortunately so.'
'What happened?'
'I'm not supposed to tell you.'

'I'm going to get him back to his room, ok?'
'Ok. Hope he gets better.'
She nodded at them, walking back into Alastors room, placing him down on the bed. When he calmed down, his eyes flew open and he shot up, wincing at the intense pain that followed. He fell back on the bed. 

What happened? He looked around without moving, and when he saw Rosie, a sense of dread settled in the pit of his stomach. Did she know? She must, right? This was bad. Very, very bad. Now rosie knew how weak he really was. She surely wouldn't want to be friends after that. That truth stung much more than he thought it would. Rosie was one of the few people he genuinely liked.

He didn't want to bother her or burden her with his issues. They were his problem. He didn't want to be weak. Yet here he was. He shut his eyes tightly. 'Alastor darling? Is something wrong?'

'For what darling?'
'Being weak.'
'Eh Ehm, ur legit not weak, ur a skibidi ohio rizzler with W rizz.'
'...question mark?'
'Uhm- what I meant to say is, you're not weak at all! In fact, you are so strong for being alive right now. I would have been dead ages ago. Also, your cut has some unusual slash marks in it. Anything you want to tell me?'

'Nope. I'm not telling anyone shit.'
'Why not?'
'Because- nope! Nice try.'

'Opening up doesn't make you weak dear.'
'That's not what they said.' Alastor mumbled under his breath.

'Anyway, there's an overlord meeting in two days, and I'm gonna go.'
'No, you're not.'
'Then I'll sneak out.'
'I'll be at the meeting.'

'What are you gonna do?'
'Embarrass you.'
'If I'm better in two days, can I go?'

'OK, I'd better go downstairs and see if the party is still on. Be right back!'

'Bye-' He started, but she was already gone.

Following Rosie

Nobody's POV

Rosie left the small room and went downstairs, where she saw Charlie and Vaggie packing up the party things. 'Let me help with that dears.'
'Oh! Thank you, Rosie.' 
'Of course! Do you mind if I stay the night?'

'Not at all! Also, how is Alastor doing?'
'Not too well, dears.'
'Can we see him?'
Rosie wrung her hands. 'I don't think he would like that. You would have to get him to both like you and trust you for him to be ok with that... He's... quite self-conscious, you know, likes to keep his image up.'

'Really? He always seems quite confident.'
'All part of his act, you see.' They had finished clearing up now, Niffty darting in to clean up fully.
Niffty added, 'Oh yes, Alastor only has a few real friends. Like me!'

'Niffty, try not to overshare, though I might have done so as well. Anyway, I've got to go back now, good night girls!'
'Goodnight Rosie!'
Rosie walked back up the stairs, pausing at Alastors door when she heard heavy breathing and soft rumbling noise coming from it.

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