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Hello there traveller. THIS? THIS DOWN HERE? I MADE THIS IN CHARACTER (mostly) GUYS!!!


- Vomiting?
- SH!
- Implied rape/non-con
- Manipulative tactics
- Deep questions (at the end)
- Shitting on people's ego fr
- No ships fuck you


Nobody's POV

Alastor opened his eyes, the darkness surrounding him seeming thick and... squishy, almost.

Wait. No. I can't be back there, right?


His breathing quadrupled in pace, and he stepped back, hands coming up to his hair, tugging on it, the pain focusing his thoughts. At least he had his normal body back. His mind was working overtime, trying to form a reason, what did he do? Could he fix it before it was too late?

'Hello, Alastor.'

A smooth-as-silk voice rang out clearly through the darkness behind him. He froze, heart rate tripling and pupils contracting in fear. His ears snapped straight to his scull and he turned slowly.

Behind him was a beautiful woman, with long flowing blonde hair, purple eyes and a dress, and a pearl necklace.


'So, Alastor, I heard you were getting cozy with my daughter.'

Alastor quickly shook his head.

'We're just work partners for the hotel.'

'Hmm. Well, you know what we do with liars?'

'But I'm not-'

'Do you know?'

'Yes... Ma'am.'

'Good. Come here.'

Alastor shakily walked to her side, stiffly standing there, head bowed.


Alastor dropped to the floor, sitting with his legs crossed and his hands in his lap.

'Good boy.'

Lilith reached over to Alastor, petting his ears with faux softness. Alastor was trembling in fear, trying to stay still and quiet, awaiting his punishment.

'So Alastor. I heard you found a loophole in that deal we made?'

Alastor's eyes widened.

'Hurting yourself doesn't count, darling.'

She roughly grabbed one of his antlers, pulling hard.

Alastor fought back a scream, biting his hand, trying to stop the tears leaking out of his eyes. There was NO WAY he was going to let this woman see him cry.

'I'm going to give you one last chance. You have to KILL someone. Soon. Orr... who's that girl you like? The cannibal? Rosie? Yes, all your friends, starting with Rosie, will die until you kill someone. Is that clear?'

Alastor was trembling. He didn't want to kill anyone else. He couldn't anyway, he realised. He was in heaven. For another... three days...

'I said, is. That. Clear?' The words were delivered with another sharp tug on his antler, a thin stream of blood leaking from the base.

Alastor nodded. 'Yes ma'am,' he said hurriedly.

'Good, good. Now, it's time for your punishment.'

Alastor's eyes widened. He had been hoping she would forget, or forgive, at least. He should have known better.

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