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Ok, guys, lot of lore-dumping in this one. I stg my writing is getting progressively worse. Feel free to question anything in this chapter and I'll answer!


- Panic Attacks

- Mentions of SH
- Lore-dumping
- Mentions of abuse
- Gore

Nobody's POV

Everyone looked at alastor, shocked, some on the verge of tears.

'Or something...' Alastor said nervously, looking around.

'Alastor... That was beautiful. How-' Charlie started.


'I don't know.' Alastor said, shrugging.

'You... You really mean it? I'll be... free?' Husk said, voice fading to a whisper as he looked over at Alastor with hopeful eyes.

'Yeah. I just need you for a little bit longer, then you're free. Until then, do whatever the hell you want, I don't care.'

Husk looked down, tears threatening to fall. Angel pulled him close. 'Thank you.' Alastor smiled.

Husker looked across the circle of shocked residents. 'What about Niffty?'

Alastor sighed, ears drooping a bit. 'I can't let her go. You're strong enough to defend yourself, but Niffty, what if another overlord catches her? We can't have that. She can do whatever she wants though.'

Husk nodded in understanding.

'Ok, we can't play this game anymore or I'll cry, so let's partner up and... like tell them about ourselves I guess?' Charlie said. 'Here, I'll pull the names out of a hat. The pairs are... Husk and Vaggie, me and Vox, Niffty and Cherri, Alastor and angel, and John can just float around I guess.'

They got up and sat in their pairs. 'OK guys, do something I don't know, bye.' Charlie said.

Angel looked at Alastor. 'Somethin's tellin' me that ya don't cover ya limbs because of scars, huh?'

Alastor looked away. 'Can we not talk about this?'

Angel grabbed his arm right where the cuts were, making Alastor flinch. Angel dragged him upstairs and into the elevator. When the doors were closed, Angel picked him up. 'Geez smiles, your light as fuck.'

Alasto squirmed, falling onto the floor, a thin stream of blood leaked from his mouth. He let out a hiss of pain. He got up. 'Don't pick me up.'

'Ok ok! Just wanted to figure out what is wrong with you. You've been acting... different since the battle.'

'Oh really? NO SHIT.' Alastor was shaking, back pressed against the elevator, ears flattened on his head.

Angel took a step back, startled at his outburst. Alastor looked like he was losing it.

Meanwhile, Alastor was losing it, internally at least.

Why did his dad have to be there? Every second of his company felt like a threat, building and building until he couldn't take it anymore and it overflowed and he would spiral and spiral and-

'Alastor?' The hesitant voice of Angel cut through his thoughts, making him aware yet again.

He was curled up in a ball on the side of the elevator, the door open.


Angel slowly stepped closer, reaching out a hand. Alastor flinched violently as Angel placed one of his hands on his shoulder. Alastor coughed. Angel's eyes widened when Alastor's hand came away from his mouth covered in blood.

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