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Hii! This was supposed to come out yesterday but I had to do HW. Sorry but here it is!


-Child abuse
-HC and AU
-OOC Characters
-Suicidal thoughts?


Alastor when Rosie left

Nobody's POV

Alastor sat on his bed for a while, then stood up. He wobbled from the head rush, flinching from the pain that shot through him. He wobbled over to the bathroom door and opened it, stepping into the bloody landscape.

He rolled up his pants to his mid-thighs and looked at his legs. He examined his lower leg, where from his knee down his legs were made of an almost metal substance, and were pointed at the end, not unlike Angel's boots. He winced. He despised his legs. He clawed at the joint where the metal fused with his skin, drawing blood.

He shivered. Smearing his hand with blood, he started painting again. He added more details to the drawings. He drew until he ran out of blood. He stood, dizzy, and wrapped his legs with some bandages. He crawled back to his bed, stomach, or the hole in it, stinging. He reached under his bed, grabbing the box he had stashed there earlier.

He reached in and grabbed his happy pills, chugging a few. He fought to not cough, making sure he had swallowed before putting the box away and grabbing his phone instead. He sat up in his bed again and opened messages.

He opened his messages in the group chat and saw this from this morning.


Alastor did a quick search of what Fortnite was, then replied.

Alastor: Actually, the best possible Fortnite map would be an American school :3

He laughed to himself, smiling, as the pills started to take effect. He looked at the tray of food Rosie left by him and winced. He wasn't sure if he could eat it. He closed his eyes and drifted off into sleep.


Back to Rosie

Nobody's POV

They walked through the shopping centre, heading back to their starting point having received a call from Charlie earlier.  When they got back, the others stared hostilely at Vox.
'What is HE doing here?' Vaggie said, pointing at his screen.
Vox sheepishly waved. 'He's coming back to the hotel with us.'

'And you trust him?'
'Yes.' Vox smiled at her gratefully.
'Well, I guess he can stay as long as he doesn't hurt anyone or destroy the hotel.'
'Thank you.' He said meekly.

'Also, who is that extra boba for?'
'I thought he doesn't like sweet things.'
'Oh, he does.'

'Yeah, Rosie is like the best to go to for Alastor info.'
They started chatting about random things as they walked back to the hotel.

When they got back, Rosie took Vox's hand and the boba from Angel, and thanked them for taking her. She lead Vox upstairs to Alastors room, leaving him outside.
'I've got to talk to Alastor before you can come in, OK?'
'Ok. Thanks.'
She smiled.

She opened the door and slipped inside, finding Alastor sleeping on the bed. She walked over to him, smiling. She shook him awake gently, and he opened his eyes, shooting up in bed, and relaxing when he saw rosie. 'O-oh, hey Ro-sie.' He yawned, blinking slowly.

'Hey Alastor, Vox is here to see you.'
'W-wait, my con-tacts are o-out, and I n-need to put o-on make up so i-im not so p-pale and-'

'I'll help you with all of that, ok?'
'Anytime dear.'

They did his makeup and he put in his contacts until he looked perfectly normal again.
'Oh! I forgot, Angel and I got this for you.' She handed him the boba. His pupils dilated.
'O-oh, I know this, this is b-boba. T-thank you so m-much and tell A-angel I said that I love this s-stuff its the best thing ev-er.'

'No problem Al, can I let him in now?'

She was outside for a moment, then returned with a nervous-looking Vox.
'Hi Alastor, how are you?'
'G-good, thanks for a-asking. Y-you?'
'Good! I heard you were hurt, are you doing ok?'

Rosie sat in the corner on a chair, watching the two men's exchange.
Vox sat on a corner of his bed, having taken off his shoes at the door. He smiled awkwardly.
'So uh... I heard about what happened with...' he glanced around before whispering, 'Valentino...'

Alastor looked away, shivering. 'Do you... want to talk about it?'
He curled up, looking away. Vox shuffled so he was next to him.
'Can I?' He asked, raising an arm.

Alastor nodded. Vox wrapped his arms around him, hugging him gently. Alastor curled up to him and Vox ruffled his hair, making him purr slightly. 'YOU CAN PURR?'
Alastor's face flushed red. 'S-shut up.'

'That is the cutest thing I have ever seen.' Cute? no no, I'm not cute. I'm THE RADIO DEMON. They probably think I'm a joke, with all this 'cute' shit. 'S-stop.' Weak. They think you are a fool! Imagine what they think of you.  He heard his parent's voices in his head.

His ears flattened to his head as a loud knock came from the door. 'Alastor? Someone's here to see you. Two someones, in fact.' Husk called from outside. Alastor's cane spoke. 'I'll be down in a minute, Husker.'

Footsteps walked away from the room. 'I have an idea, your cane can talk for you! All you have to do is lipsync.' Vox said excitedly. 'Huh. Good idea.' Alastor's cane said, the real Alastor lipsyncing perfectly.

'Perfect! Let's get you up and out of bed.' Alastor shakily stood up and vox snapped his fingers, changing Alastor into his usual suit. Alastor took a deep breath, the smile on his face growing wider, and he walked toward the door, looking as if nothing was wrong. 

He confidently walked downstairs, freezing in his tracks when he saw the 'two someones' Husker had been talking about. They looked at him and ran over, hugging him without a second thought. he winced.

'I thought I lost you dear!'
'Me too, me too!' His father chimed in quickly.
'Mother? Father?'
'Yes Terrance, it's us.'

Alastor hugged them tighter, closing his eyes in pain. They all untangled themselves from the hug and stepped back. 'You look... interesting...' His mother squinted at him, a mildly disgusted look appeared on her face, and Alastors ears flopped down to the sides. He looked away.

Charlie ran up to them. 'Are you Alastors parents? Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. It's so nice to meet you! What are your names?'
'Hello dear, I'm Grace and he's John.'

'Nice to meet you both.' Vaggie said, walking up behind Charlie. 'My name is Vaggie, and this is Charlie.'
'Nice to meet you too.' Grace said. John huffed.

Angel called over from the other side of the room, 'Yeah, nice to meet ya', also who the fuck is Terrance?'
'Why, nice to meet you too Miss, and Terrance is our son, this man over here.'
She pointed at Alastor. Angel winced.

'Actually, I'm a man, and why didn't you tell us that Alastor wasn't your real name Smiles?'
Alastor shrugged. 'I don't know.'
Grace frowned. 'That's not a very Masculine thing to wear.'

Angel face expressed7 a mix of anger and sadness, but brightened up when he saw Alastor mimicking her hilariously. Grace noticed this and followed his gaze to her son. 'And what do you think you're doing?'

'It was just a joke mother-' He said, ears drooping as he took a step back. The others watched in interest and concern, not used to seeing Alastor demonstrate an emotion other than happiness.

'It doesn't matter. You disrespectful little shit.'


1216 Words!
For some of this you would have to have read the Alastor's backstory chapter.
TYY for reading this pooks!
Comment what you think or want to happen next!!!

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