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Heyy, this chapter was fun to write. It was very... interesting. Anyway, get ready for some quality angst guys.


- SH
- OOC characters
-Graphic gore
-Panic attacks

Nobody's POV

They sat like that for a long while, just relaxing. Alastor felt... warm. Safe. 'He's awake!' Husk called out from across the room excitedly.

They all ran over to check on Angel, crowding around the pink and white spider. Blinking and stretching all his limbs, Angel opened his eyes.

'What happened- Alastor.'

Everyone's eyes swivelled to the red deer. 'Come with me.'

Angel grabbed his and dragged him into the kitchen, closing the door behind them.

'What the fuck is wrong with ya? You could actually die.' Alastor stepped back, a hesitant, and slightly fearful, expression on his face.

'...I can't tell you. I'm sorry.'

'Let us heal ya. Make ya better.'

'No, nope, no thank you.'

'Do you not trust us?'

'Not really.'

'Look... I know what it's like. But if ya' have been hurting yourself?  That shit is serious.'

'It's no big deal.'

'No big deal? If you hate yourself that much, you gotta talk to someone. It's weird actually because you normally seem kind of selfish and narcissistic, strange for you I guess.'

Alastor's expression changed in an instant, his trademark smile almost gone.

I just want to help them... don't you know? You forget... I was human too. Not for long.

'You know what? I bet this is all some ploy to gain our sympathy. Those compliments probably meant nothing to you, right?'

Alastor's throat felt like it was lined with barbed wire.

... I'm sorry. If only he could speak. I'm trying to change, really! I want to... to see them... again...

'Look at you now, can't even form sentences. Can't stop feeling sorry for yourself, can you? Are you that desperate for attention? Why do you want this so bad? You selfish, entitled, good-for-nothing brat. You were useless in the battle you know.'

Alastor's eyes burned as Angel's voice merged with his father's. I was human too once. People forget that sometimes. I just want to protect you.

'I was human too.'

'Oh, pardon me? Do you think you're valid just because you were human? Well, news flash toots. YOU ARE A TERRIBLE PERSON. ALWAYS MANIPULATING OTHERS. I BET VOX IS JUST ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR TOYS  HUH?' Outside, the others heard Angel shouting and peeked into the kitchen in cautious curiosity, only to find Angel yelling at a trembling Alastor. 'I can't believe I thought you changed. That someone like you-' Husk walked into the kitchen, sneaking along the sides of it.

'-could ever change. You're nothing but a stupid mistake. You deserve everything that comes to you. Do you even realise how many lives you've crushed? I bet-' 

Angel paused as he felt a gentle, warm, furry hand settle on his shoulder. 'Stop. Stop and see him.'

Angel looked at him, calmer now, and looked back at Alastor. His expression morphed into pure shock at the sight before him.

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