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The young girl, Seraphina, fidgeted uncomfortably in her ceremonial dress, the intricate silver fabric feeling foreign against her skin. As she stood between her imposing father, the Marquis, and her elegant mother, she gazed out at the expansive landing area, where colossal ships from distant worlds descended with a hum of power.

The air was thick with anticipation, mingling with the scent of the surrounding forests, lakes, and distant waterfalls of her lush home planet. Towering trees framed the scene, their branches swaying gently in the breeze, while iridescent birds flitted among the foliage, adding flashes of color to the serene landscape.

But amidst the natural beauty, Seraphina's discomfort persisted. The silver circlet adorning her forehead, embedded with the purest stones of her homeland, felt heavy and unfamiliar. She longed to be free from its weight, to run barefoot through the soft moss under the canopy of trees, rather than stand stiffly in her ornate attire.

"It's itchy," she murmured, her fingers absently tugging at the delicate lace of her dress. Her mother's sharp gaze, filled with a mixture of pride and expectation, bore into her, reminding her of the importance of the occasion.

"Stand properly, Seraphina," her mother admonished her five year old daughter, her voice carrying a hint of urgency beneath its composed exterior.

Feeling the weight of her mother's expectations, Seraphina straightened her posture, determined not to disappoint. "Sorry, momma," she whispered softly, her lips forming a hesitant smile as she glanced up at her parents, the Marquis and the Lady of the House Sylvane, their figures silhouetted against the backdrop of the landing area.

As the tension thickened, the Marquis turned to his Concubine, his gaze steady despite the turmoil within. "Oh, let the girl be," he said, his voice a calming ripple in the midst of the brewing storm. His eyes, however, remained fixed on the landing ships, their imposing presence casting a shadow over their conversation.

"Don't worry, little flora," he continued, addressing Seraphina with a tenderness that belied the gravity of their situation. "I'm sure you'll be elated of what's to happen. So hold on to your stuffy dress. You look pretty, by the way." His words carried a subtle wink, a silent acknowledgment of their shared understanding amidst the chaos.

Her father's subtle wink elicited a giggle from Seraphina, a spark of mischief dancing in her eyes as she met his gaze. Despite the weight of the occasion, his lighthearted demeanor eased some of the burden that pressed down upon her young shoulders.

"Thank you, papa," she murmured, a shy smile gracing her lips as she adjusted the itchy fabric of her dress, her fingers tracing the intricate patterns embroidered with threads as silver as moonlight.

Epiphany - Paul AtreidesWhere stories live. Discover now