CHAPTER 23: Duke of Arrakis

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Paul Atreides lounged lazily on a plush couch, his body sinking into the soft cushions

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Paul Atreides lounged lazily on a plush couch, his body sinking into the soft cushions. His eyes fluttered open, catching sight of a beautiful woman working diligently at her desk. Papers were strewn across the table, and her brow was furrowed in deep concentration. Paul's gaze lingered on her, taking in the details. Her once long, silver-blonde hair was now cut short, an inch above her shoulders strands rest behind her ear. The elegant, silky dress she wore accentuated the graceful curves of her body.

"Seraphina?" Paul's voice was tinged with confusion as he sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Hm?" Seraphina looked up from her work, her expression softening. "You're finally awake. You do love sleeping these days. Don't you feel bad that I'm doing most of your work now?"

Paul continued to stare, bewilderment clouding his features. This was Seraphina, but she seemed more mature, more composed. Her eyes holds wisdom of someone that witnessed a lot in her life.

"Paul? Are you alright?" Seraphina's concern was evident as she stood and approached him. Kneeling beside the couch, she cupped his cheeks in her hands. "Are you having visions again?"

"A-Are you real?" Paul's eyes darted around the room, taking in the grand and unfamiliar surroundings. It looked like an opulent office, yet he had no recollection of it.

Seraphina's lips pursed into a worried frown though there was recognition in her expression. "Oh, it's you again,"

"W-What do you mean?" Paul's confusion deepened, sensing that Seraphina knew more than she was letting on.

"It's alright," Seraphina hummed soothingly, her hands enveloping his trembling ones. Paul hadn't even realized he was shaking. "Do you want me to call Alia?" Seraphina then murmured under her breath as if trying to remember where this Alia was. "She's been watching over the kids..."

"Alia...?" The name sounded foreign to him, adding another layer to his confusion.

"Oh... of course." Seraphina's expression grew sadder and Paul didn't know why. "You haven't met her yet, huh."

"S-Sera, what's happening? Where am I?"

"It's okay, Paul." Seraphina's voice was gentle as she rubbed his hands, attempting to calm him. "You need to come back."

"Come back?" Paul's attention was briefly captured by the sound of children's voices approaching the room. He was tempted to see who they were, but Seraphina gently turned his face back to her, her eyes locking with his.

Her eyes were not the familiar forest green.

"To your present," Seraphina said cryptically, her voice barely above a whisper. She leaned in and kissed his forehead tenderly. "It's time to wake up, my love." 

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