CHAPTER 17: Duncan's Back!

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Duncan Idaho carefully landed the ornithopter at the bustling landing port of Arrakeen, the capital city of Arrakis

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Duncan Idaho carefully landed the ornithopter at the bustling landing port of Arrakeen, the capital city of Arrakis. The city's stark, imposing walls and domed buildings stood out against the backdrop of endless dunes and the intense orange and blue sky. The scent of spice mingled with the hot, dry air, a constant reminder of the planet's precious resource. As he exited the cockpit, he couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia for the familiar faces of his comrades, even if this desert world was far from the lush plains of Caladan. House Atreides was his home, no matter where they were stationed.

The success of his advance mission weighed heavily on his mind. Leaving the Fremen sietch had been a bittersweet experience; he had grown to respect and admire the fierce desert people. Their acceptance of him was an honor, one he wore with pride. The friendships he had forged in the harshest of conditions were a testament to his character and adaptability.

As he stepped out of the ornithopter, the sandy air greeted him, tugging at his dirty cloak. His stillsuit, a necessity for surviving the desert's harsh climate, was a clear sign that he had spent considerable time with the Fremen. The group of Fremen who had agreed to accompany him stood nearby, their eyes wary and distrustful of the bustling city around them. They were a stark contrast to the polished and disciplined Atreides soldiers who lined the landing port, their blue eyes a testament to their spice addiction and their desert heritage.

"You are safe," Duncan called to the Fremen in Chakobsa, his voice steady and reassuring. "They will not hurt you."

The Fremen, led by their Naib-a cloaked figure with an air of authority-glared at the Atreides soldiers. Convincing them to come had been no small feat. The Fremen had little trust for those who lived behind city walls, but Duncan's genuine character and unwavering loyalty had pierced through their defenses. He had earned their trust, even if just a sliver, and that was a start.

Duncan turned to the Atreides soldiers, his smile broad and familiar. These men were his brothers, comrades he had fought alongside in countless battles. They knew him, trusted him, and that trust was now extended to the Fremen at his side.

"Take care of them," Duncan commanded, his tone leaving no room for argument. "They're friends."

The soldiers nodded, their postures relaxing slightly as they moved to welcome the Fremen. Duncan watched the interaction closely, knowing that building trust between these two groups was crucial. He stepped forward, bridging the gap, a living testament to the possibility of unity between such disparate peoples.

Duncan Idaho, a man of charisma and unwavering loyalty, stood tall amidst the bustle of Arrakeen. His mission was not just about survival; it was about forging bonds and creating alliances where none had existed before. As the Fremen and Atreides soldiers began to interact, cautiously but with genuine curiosity, he felt a surge of hope.

Turning around his chest soared seeing the approaching figures who ditched their guards, the familiar faces made his smile broaden. How he missed them, more than he could admit. That moment, Duncan knew he was home.

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