CHAPTER 9: The Ceremony

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Seraphina Sylvane felt the cold sensation of the circlet that symbolized House Sylvane as it settled over her head

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Seraphina Sylvane felt the cold sensation of the circlet that symbolized House Sylvane as it settled over her head. Her naturally wavy hair flowed gracefully down her back, contrasting with the ceremonial dress she wore-an elegant blend of the colors of House Sylvane and House Atreides, signifying her role as the Heir's betrothed and the future Duchess.

Lysandra, already dressed for the ceremony, stood behind her daughter, brushing her hair with practiced precision until it gleamed. She then signaled the servants to leave the room, placing the hairbrush on the vanity mirror with a soft click.

"You look beautiful," Lysandra said, adjusting the circlet with a final, delicate touch.

"Thank you, Mother." Seraphina offered a small smile in the mirror, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and apprehension.

A tense silence settled between them, thick with unspoken words. Lysandra's hesitation was palpable, and Seraphina braced herself for what she knew was coming.

"Seraphina," Lysandra began, her voice tinged with urgency, "you know we can still come home."

"Mother," Seraphina warned. "Please,"

"I allowed you to come to Caladan. Isn't that enough? You've spent weeks here with Paul. But once House Atreides leaves for Arrakis..." Lysandra stepped in front of Seraphina, cupping her face in her hands. "We can return to Verdantia. You don't need to go to that place."

"Mother, enough." Seraphina stood abruptly, shaking her head. "I've made my decision."

"A foolish decision!" Lysandra snapped, her eyes flashing with anger. "Are you even thinking clearly? Arrakis is a death trap, not a gift. It's a ploy to pit House Atreides against the Harkonnens in a deadly game."

"Careful, Mother," Seraphina's voice dropped to a dangerous whisper, her hands clenching into fists. "Watch your words, or they may reach the wrong ears. Duke Leto is no fool. He knows what this is about."

"Yes, he understands the risks," Lysandra conceded, running a frustrated hand through her hair. "But that doesn't mean you won't be in danger on that planet. Seraphina, I only care for your safety. Following that boy will only lead you into peril."

"And I should let Paul face this alone?" Seraphina's eyes blazed as she met her mother's gaze. "Let House Atreides face this alone? Mother, I know you have reservations about this engagement, but I am committed to my duty. I am the future Duchess of House Atreides, betrothed to their only son and heir. What kind of person would I be if I abandoned the House I've pledged myself to, just to avoid danger?"

"Then what about your duties as the Heir of House Sylvane?" Lysandra's voice cut through the tension, her eyes narrowing. "Before you were engaged, you were Verdantia's next Marquess. Are you so ready to abandon that? Abandon your father?"

Seraphina stiffened at the mention of her father. A rising tide of sadness and guilt washed over her. Lysandra knew exactly which buttons to press, but she didn't know that Seraphina and her father had already spoken about this before she left Verdantia.

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