CHAPTER 10: Father and Child

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"Absolutely not!" Marquis Thalion's hands slammed against the table in his study, the sound echoing through the room

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"Absolutely not!" Marquis Thalion's hands slammed against the table in his study, the sound echoing through the room. Seraphina flinched in surprise. Her father had never, ever raised his voice at her. He had always been the gentle and kind man, never quick to anger, always grounded. But whatever Seraphina had said had made his blood boil, his hands shaking not just with frustration but with deep, consuming fear.

"Papa, please-" Seraphina pleaded, her voice trembling.

"No, Seraphina. I did everything, everything, just to keep you safe," Thalion cut in, his eyes burning as he stared at his daughter. "I never hindered your friendship with Paul, allowed you to see each other despite the vast distances across the cosmos! I never restrained you. But this-this is too much!"

"You have to understand, Papa, Paul needs me there. I need to be there. I want to," Seraphina shook her head, her eyes pleading for him to understand.

"Then that's like sending you to death's door itself!" Thalion's voice broke, his composure unraveling. "I know you care for that boy, I know you do, but you are not needed on Arrakis. I have already spoken to Duke Leto, and he understood my decision."

"Why would you say that to Duke Leto?" Seraphina asked in disbelief. "Papa, it is you who wanted me engaged to Paul, to be part of House Atreides. We are their trusted ally-why would you cower away now if you knew this could be a trap?"

"Don't you dare question me, Seraphina," Thalion retorted, his voice edged with frustration. "The engagement was first and foremost for your protection. House Sylvane does not cower. We have our own plans that do not require our presence on Arrakis. You have no idea what I have done to protect both Houses, all for you."

"Then doesn't that mean our House owes something to them? Papa, you know the consequence of my engagement to Paul, a fuel to the Emperor's growing ire. This decree by the Emperor could be part of a plot against House Atreides," Seraphina reasoned, her hand twisting the engagement ring around her finger, seeking comfort. "Duke Leto knew that and yet he accepted, allowing me to be engaged to his only son. Our Houses are allied either way. Papa, I want to repay that, to be there with the Atreides, to be with Paul."

Thalion leaned against his desk, his eyes falling to the photograph he kept there-a picture of the woman he had loved and lost. Memories flooded back, of how he wasn't there for her, how he didn't return to Verdantia in time to protect her, how he never got the chance to ask her to marry him. He knew it was a lost cause; his daughter was as stubborn as he was. Driven by love, just like him.

"Please, Papa. Paul needs me, and the thought of him on Arrakis without me by his side... I can't bear it," Seraphina's voice shook as tears pooled in her forest-green eyes. "I don't want to lose him, Papa."

Thalion saw the reflection of his own heart in his daughter. She would do anything for the one she loved, even risk her own life. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his emotions.

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