CHAPTER 7: Cryptic Words

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Seraphina absently twisted the engagement ring on her finger, a habit she had developed over the four years since her betrothal to Paul Atreides was formally sealed

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Seraphina absently twisted the engagement ring on her finger, a habit she had developed over the four years since her betrothal to Paul Atreides was formally sealed. The ring symbolized the powerful alliance between House Sylvane and House Atreides, a union that had resonated throughout the Known Universe, marking her as the future Duchess of House Atreides. The engagement ceremony had been a hurried affair, lacking the grandeur one might expect. Only their closest noble allies had been present to witness the momentous occasion, as they stamped the documents with their fingerprints, formalizing the arrangement.

It's not like they're married, but the news of their engagement spread like wildfire across the Known Universe, igniting a fervor of intrigue and speculation. It was no ordinary union; the betrothal of the sole heirs of two powerful houses was a rare occurrence, capturing the attention of nobles and commoners alike. Seraphina found herself inundated with a flood of congratulatory letters, a testament to the significance of the alliance between House Sylvane and House Atreides. Some missives bore the wax seals of her family's closest allies, while others arrived from unfamiliar names, eager courtiers seeking to forge connections with the future Duchess of House Atreides. Amidst the flurry of correspondence, Seraphina couldn't help but feel surprised at the newfound attention her impending marriage to an esteemed bachelor such as Paul from a venerable house had garnered, underscoring the weight of her burgeoning responsibilities and the expectations that now rested upon her shoulders.

She remembered how Paul even sulked when Seraphina gasped in awe when she received a tea party invitation from the Princess Irulan Corrino herself as she congratulated her of her engagement.

"Great, now are you going to replace me now? Are you gonna find a new best friend while you sip your teas and eat your cakes?" Paul's tone was mockingly dramatic as he lounged on the edge of her bed, feigning offense.

"Replace you?" Seraphina couldn't help but laugh at his theatrics. "Paul, did you forget that you're my fiancé?"

"I know, but I'm still your best friend first and foremost," Paul retorted, his expression turning serious, albeit with a hint of teasing in his eyes. "And I won't appreciate my position to be replaced, let alone shared, even if I am your fiancé."

Seraphina couldn't contain her amusement at Paul's display of possessiveness. She reached over and playfully tousled his hair. "Oh, Paul, you big baby," she teased affectionately.

Though if she were to have aged further when received that letter, Seraphina would've realized the hidden implication behind of having a letter from the Princess herself. How naive she was, back then.

Because Seraphina now know that the Emperor isn't pleased by the arrangement.

Seraphina stood poised by the window of the Imperial Palace, her silver gown cascading around her like liquid moonlight, its fabric adorned with intricate patterns that whispered of House Sylvane's elegance and sophistication. The dress, tailored to perfection, hugged her slender form, accentuating her graceful stature. Her silver-blonde hair, intricately braided and adorned with delicate jewels that sparkled like stars against the backdrop of her locks, framed her delicate features with an ethereal beauty.

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