CHAPTER 8: His Dreams and Worries

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The night air enveloped them in a cool embrace as Seraphina led Paul through the darkened corridors of the Sylvane estate, her laughter like a whisper against the silence

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The night air enveloped them in a cool embrace as Seraphina led Paul through the darkened corridors of the Sylvane estate, her laughter like a whisper against the silence. "Shush, or you'll wake the whole estate," she chided playfully, her voice a melody in the stillness of the night.

Paul, rubbing his leg where he had accidentally bumped it against the wall, couldn't help but yawn. "Do we really have to do it now?" he asked, his voice heavy with sleep. "It's 2 AM."

"But it's the perfect time," Seraphina replied, her excitement palpable. "And with the Lunar light so bright this month, we don't need any additional light."

Reluctantly, Paul allowed Seraphina to lead him, their fingers intertwining as they walked. He couldn't help but notice the cold metal of the engagement ring she wore, a reminder of their future together.

As they ventured into the forest, guided by Seraphina's sure steps, Paul marveled at the brightness of the Lunar light casting ethereal shadows through the trees. It illuminated their path, painting the surroundings in silver hues.

When they reached the familiar pond, Paul's curiosity peaked. "Are we going for a swim?" he groaned, already dreading the thought of the cold water.

But Seraphina only grinned mischievously. "Something much cooler than that," she teased, her eyes dancing with excitement. "Remember when I told you when I visited a cold Homeworld with my father last month?"

"Well yes, I do." Paul remembered she had been so ecstatic to speak about her first trip outside Verdantia beside Caladan. Now she was fourteen, her father, the Marquis have been training her thoroughly of her duties of being the Heir of House Sylvane. One of those is to give her an important role which is to be an Ambassador of her house. Paul remembered that her first trip was a memorable one as she said describing it to be cold, and the Home world was white.

"Then I'll show you something."

Approaching the edge of the pond, Seraphina dipped her hand into the water, her movements graceful and purposeful. Paul watched intently, his curiosity piqued.

Suddenly, he heard the unmistakable sound of cracking noise, and his eyes widened in astonishment as the water began to solidify before him. He could scarcely believe his eyes as the molecules of water slowed and rearranged themselves, forming a shimmering surface of...


In that moment, Paul's remembered what he learned from the books in his father's library. He understood how the cold temperatures in some Homeworlds had caused the water molecules to lose energy, slowing their movement until they crystallized into a solid state. It was a phenomenon he had only read about, but now he witnessed it firsthand, a testament to the wonders of nature.

"Presenting, Lord Atreides, a frozen pond!" Seraphina announced theatrically, her voice echoing through the tranquil forest as she spread her arms wide, showcasing her latest feat.

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