CHAPTER 5: We'll Work It Out, Always

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Seraphina was five when she first realized what a concubine meant

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Seraphina was five when she first realized what a concubine meant. She had always been confused by the way noble men presented their daughters to her father at the grand parties in their estate on Verdantia. Why did they do this if her Momma was already her Papa's wife?

"Papa's already married!" Seraphina stomped her feet, her brows furrowed in annoyance at the grown people around them.

The Marquise, her father, chuckled softly and picked up his daughter, excusing them from the gathering. He carried her to a quiet corner of the estate's lush gardens, away from the prying eyes and ears of the guests.

"Papa," Seraphina said, her young face serious and confused, "why do those men bring their daughters to you? Momma is your wife, right?"

The Marquise hesitated, searching for the right words to explain the complex and often harsh realities of their world. He sighed, knowing that he needed to be honest but also gentle.

"Seraphina," he began, his voice tender, "your Momma, Lysandra, is not my wife. She is my concubine."

Seraphina's eyes widened. "What does that mean, Papa? What's a concubine?"

The Marquise looked into her innocent green eyes, wishing he could shield her from such knowledge for a little longer. "A concubine is someone who is very special and important, but different from a wife. A wife is married to a lord and has a special status in society. A concubine, like your Momma, also holds an important place, but she is not married to the lord."

Seraphina furrowed her brows deeper, trying to understand. "So, you don't love Momma like a wife?"

The Marquise paused, his heart heavy with the complexity of the truth. "No, Seraphina, I do not love her like a wife. But she is very important to our House and to you. She takes care of us and helps us in many ways."

Seraphina was silent for a moment, processing this new information. "But why do those men bring their daughters to you then?"

He smiled gently, brushing a strand of her silver-blonde hair away from her face. "In our world, men seek alliances and favor. They hope that by offering their daughters as potential wives or concubines, they can strengthen their ties with our House. It's a way of building relationships and securing the future."

Seraphina nodded slowly, still confused but beginning to grasp the situation. "So, it's all about alliances?"

"Yes, little flora," the Marquise said softly, "it's all about alliances and ensuring that our House remains strong and prosperous."

Seraphina rested her head against his shoulder, her young mind still swirling with questions, but feeling a little more at ease with her father's explanation.

But her younger self had hoped that maybe they loved each other. Two people bringing a child into the world must be an evidence, a product of that love.

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