CHAPTER 11: Where You Go, I Go

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There was a palpable tension in the air, a heaviness that seemed to pervade every corner of the estate of House Atreides

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There was a palpable tension in the air, a heaviness that seemed to pervade every corner of the estate of House Atreides. It was an unusual occurrence, as the young Lord and young Lady had always maintained a harmonious relationship. Even as children, Paul and Seraphina had shared playful banter, never letting their disagreements escalate into serious conflicts.

However, rumors began to circulate among the servants and guards. It was said that shortly after Duncan Idaho's departure for Arrakis, heated voices were heard from behind closed doors. The usually composed and collected Lady Seraphina had been seen with a strained expression, while the Young Lord Paul appeared more withdrawn than usual. Some who had witnessed their exchange during a walk on the beach noted that despite Lady Seraphina's radiant smile, there was a subtle tension in her demeanor, and Paul's face bore a look of hesitation and concern. They guessed the argument started from there.

Speculations ran rampant throughout the household. Some whispered that the two had experienced a significant falling out, an argument severe enough to threaten the stability of their relationship. Others, more inclined to gossip, suggested that the Young Lord Paul had called off their engagement, unable to cope with the pressures and uncertainties surrounding their imminent move to Arrakis. These speculators argued that the harsh, unwelcoming sands of Arrakis were no place for a bond as delicate and untested as theirs.

There were those who imagined more personal grievances. Perhaps Seraphina had expressed doubts about their move, fearing the unknown dangers of Arrakis and the strain it would place on their relationship. Or maybe Paul, burdened by the weight of his destiny and the expectations placed upon him, had inadvertently pushed Seraphina away, creating a chasm of misunderstanding and hurt feelings.

Despite the swirling rumors and the heavy atmosphere, the true nature of their disagreement remained a mystery. As the House Atreides prepared for their fateful journey to Arrakis, the whispered speculations and hushed conversations only added to the sense of foreboding that seemed to hang over them like a dark, ominous cloud.

Seraphina Sylvane, who knew the whole story, was glaring at the shooting target in the practice room. The tension from her argument with Paul the previous day had driven her to the training grounds, where she now struggled to steady her aim. She was attempting to get accustomed to the weight and feel of Verdantia's Whisper, her custom-crafted energy bow, but her frustration was evident in every shot she took. Her hands trembled slightly from the strain, the physical exhaustion a reflection of her inner turmoil.

"Does he doubt my capabilities?" she scoffed, releasing another concentrated energy arrow. The shot missed the bull's-eye, veering off course due to her unsteady grip. How many arrows had she loosed? She had lost count, having been at it since breakfast. The hours had blurred together in a haze of pent-up anger and determination.

Her mind replayed the argument over and over. Paul's hesitation, his lack of trust in her abilities, gnawed at her. It was unlike him to doubt her, and the thought that he might now, after all they had been through, was almost unbearable. Each missed shot only fueled her frustration further.

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