Chapter 26: To Let Go

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Journal of His Imperial Majesty, Elrood IX The 80th Padishah Emperor

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Journal of His Imperial Majesty, Elrood IX The 80th Padishah Emperor

Year: Year: 10141 AG

In the year 10123 AG, a significant event has unfolded within the walls of our grand palace: the birth of my son, Shaddam IV. As he grew from an infant into a young man, I observed his development with both a father's love and an emperor's scrutiny. However, not all that I have observed fills me with pride or confidence.

Shaddam, though born into privilege and power, has displayed tendencies that are deeply troubling. His envy and greed, traits unbecoming of a ruler, have become ever more apparent. He covets what he does not possess and harbors resentment towards those who hold what he desires. These qualities, I fear, will shape him into a leader of dread and discord, unfit for the mantle of emperor.

As I look towards the future, I cannot help but foresee the ruin that Shaddam's reign might bring upon our great empire. Despite being the heir to the throne, his potential for tyranny casts a long shadow over the House Corrino. I have thus begun to lay the groundwork for a plan, a contingency that will undoubtedly incite Shaddam's ire when revealed. What this plan entails must remain shrouded in mystery, but rest assured, it is designed to preserve the empire from the consequences of his insatiable ambition.

Among my other children, none exhibit the qualities necessary for succession. Their weaknesses and lack of vision disqualify them from consideration, save for one. There is "her," a name I dare not pen upon these pages at least not yet. She is a beacon of potential, her qualities veiled from all but those who know where to look. Her destiny, I believe, will unfold in due time.

- Elrood IX, Emperor of the Known Universe

Year: 10141 AG

Shaddam has now reached the age of eighteen, a pivotal moment in any young noble's life. It is with a heavy heart that I acknowledge the darkness within him. Recently, a tragedy befell our family-one of my children, slain. Though the official tale speaks of an unfortunate accident, I know better. Shaddam's hand is stained with the blood of his sibling, driven by a threat he perceived to my favor.

This act, vile as it is, was not committed in isolation. His maternal cousin, Count Hasimir Fenring, has been a whisperer of venom in Shaddam's ear. Fenring, with his subtle machinations, has nurtured Shaddam's jealousy and insecurities, steering him towards actions most foul. Shaddam's susceptibility to such influence is troubling; it reveals a character easily swayed and manipulated, a puppet to his darker impulses.

As I pen these words, I am filled with firm determination. My legacy, my empire, must endure beyond my reign, and I shall take every measure necessary to ensure that it does. The future remains uncertain, yet within these shadows, I hold a glimmer of hope-one that I shall protect until my last breath.

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