CHAPTER 14: New Girl

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"Paul refuses his destiny," Jessica muttered, pacing around the dimly lit room

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"Paul refuses his destiny," Jessica muttered, pacing around the dimly lit room. Her brow furrowed with worry, she rubbed her hands together as if trying to grasp some elusive solution. The walls of their chamber, though opulent, seemed to close in on her with the weight of their predicament.

"It's not even certain if he is 'The One'," Lysandra remarked coolly from her position on the plush, intricately patterned couch. Unlike Jessica, she exuded an air of calm detachment, sipping her tea with a grace that belied the tension in the room.

"He is The One! His dreams, the visions that torment him, they are the proof of it," Jessica hissed, her voice sharp as she stopped mid-stride to glare at Lysandra. "He even passed the Reverend Mother's test." Her words were a mix of desperation and defiance, a mother fiercely defending her son's potential.

Lysandra merely rolled her eyes, unflinching under Jessica's heated gaze. "It doesn't matter if he believes or not. What matters is our survival here on Arrakis." She placed her teacup on the saucer with a deliberate, almost defiant clink, the sound echoing in the tense silence.

Jessica froze, the name of the desolate planet-Arrakis-hanging heavily in the air. "At her arrival on Caladan," Lysandra continued, her tone measured, "I was able to converse with the Reverend Mother privately. She confirmed that the Emperor has indeed conspired with the Harkonnens to sabotage us from the shadows."

Jessica's face drained of color, her pacing halted by the weight of Lysandra's revelation. "The Sardaukar... is he so jealous that he's willing to kill the whole House Atreides by his own hands?" she whispered, her voice barely audible, as if fearing the very walls might betray them.

"Apparently," Lysandra replied, her voice steady even as she poured herself another cup of tea. The liquid swirled in the delicate cup, reflecting the flickering candlelight. Despite her composed facade, a keen observer might notice a flicker of worry in her eyes. "Arrakis is a hellhole, one the Emperor has meticulously arranged to be our tomb. The Harkonnens have left us with barely crumbs, equipment that is likely tampered with and sabotaged. The Emperor doesn't care for spice trades-not now. His true aim is the annihilation of the Duke's entire bloodline."

Jessica's eyes narrowed as she listened, her mind racing through the implications. "But the Reverend Mother has spoken with the Baron. She intends to negotiate, though I doubt that wretched man will keep any promise he makes," Lysandra continued, her voice laced with a rare hint of bitterness.

"The Baron," Jessica repeated, her voice trembling slightly. "Can he be trusted to uphold any part of this so-called protection?"

Lysandra set her cup down, meeting Jessica's gaze with a steely determination. "The Baron Harkonnen is a serpent. He will twist any promise to suit his needs. We must be vigilant, Jessica. Trust is a luxury we cannot afford especially now there is a spy among us."

Jessica stiffened at that, her mind racing. She wasn't a fool. Back on Caladan, she had overheard low whispers between Leto and Thufir. It was no secret that the Mentat harbored suspicions about her. Even Leto had his doubts, though his love for her prevented any confrontation. Indeed, Jessica had maneuvered in the shadows, but never to harm her son or Duke.

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