CHAPTER 16: Council Meeting

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Seraphina was furious as she scanned the documents in her hands, her forest-green eyes flashing with a dangerous intensity

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Seraphina was furious as she scanned the documents in her hands, her forest-green eyes flashing with a dangerous intensity. Thufir Hawat stood calmly in front of her desk, his face betraying no emotion as she practically threw the papers down in irritation.

"This is impossible," Seraphina huffed, frustration evident in her voice. "This amount of solaris and spice tanks filled, every 25 days? The Emperor already demands profits and spice supply from us this month! How could the Harkonnens extract so much wealth from Arrakis in such a short time?"

Thufir inclined his head slightly. "That is indeed the reality, My Lady. The Harkonnens have perfected their methods over decades. Their ruthlessness and efficiency in exploiting Arrakis' resources are unmatched."

Seraphina pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to quell the rising tide of frustration. "And the equipment? How badly damaged are they? Can we salvage anything?"

Thufir sighed, his usually steely demeanor softening slightly with regret. "Some are salvageable, but not nearly enough to meet the standards required for the expected profit. The Harkonnens left us with little more than scraps, as was their intention."

Seraphina's mind raced, searching for solutions in the labyrinth of challenges they faced. "What about repairs? There are talented engineers among House Atreides—"

"Indeed," Thufir interjected, "but the materials required for such repairs are another matter. The Harkonnens used custom-made equipment, designed specifically for their operations. Acquiring the same materials would be difficult, if not impossible, given their monopolization of key resources."

Seraphina leaned forward, her fingers tapping rhythmically on the desk. "Is there no way we can replicate their designs? Surely, with our engineers' expertise and the resources of House Atreides, we can develop alternatives."

Thufir's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "Replicating their designs is theoretically possible, but it would require substantial time and investment. We would need to conduct extensive research to reverse-engineer their technology, and even then, the quality may not match the original."

Seraphina's frustration was palpable as she stared down the documents scattered on her table. It was like every solution weren't possible in their current predicament. "Time is a luxury we do not have, Thufir. The Emperor's demands are unyielding, and failure to meet them could have dire consequences for the House."

Thufir nodded, his expression grave. "I understand, My Lady. We are facing a formidable challenge. We must explore all possible avenues—enhancing productivity with the limited resources we have, seeking alternative trade agreements, perhaps even leveraging your unique abilities and connections within the Known Universe."

Seraphina's eyes flashed with determination. "We will find a way, Thufir. We must. For the sake of House Atreides and the future of Arrakis, we cannot afford to fail."

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