CHAPTER 1: Light Years Away

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As the soft light of dawn filtered through the study's windows, casting a gentle golden glow across the room, the tutor entered, greeted by the tranquil serenity of the morning

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As the soft light of dawn filtered through the study's windows, casting a gentle golden glow across the room, the tutor entered, greeted by the tranquil serenity of the morning. The study, though still steeped in scholarly elegance, seemed to awaken with the new day, its atmosphere imbued with a sense of quiet anticipation.

Shafts of sunlight streamed through the parted curtains, casting long shadows that danced across the polished wooden floor. The air was crisp and fresh, carrying with it the faint scent of dew-kissed foliage from the gardens outside.

The bookshelves, now bathed in the warm morning light, seemed to shimmer with a renewed vitality, their contents whispering tales of ancient wisdom and forgotten lore. Dust motes danced in the sunbeams, adding a touch of ethereal magic to the room.

The fireplace, though dormant now, still held the lingering warmth of the previous night's embers, its mantle adorned with delicate trinkets and mementos. Above it, the portrait of the Marquise Thalion Sylvane watched over the room with a silent, stoic presence.

In the absence of Lady Seraphina, the study seemed to hold its breath, as if waiting for her to grace it with her presence and breathe life into its tranquil morning stillness. The tutor paused, a sense of reverence washing over him as he soaked in the quiet beauty of the dawn-lit room.

"Ah, today must be the day." The tutor chuckled in amusement knowing the reason why the Lady isn't here. He just hoped the Sylvane's Concubine won't realize her daughter out there yet.


In a secluded corner of the lush gardens far from the grand estate, Seraphina, a girl of twelve years, perched atop a weathered rock. The morning sun bathed her in a gentle embrace, casting a warm glow upon her delicate features as she gazed out over the verdant landscape spread out before her. Her silver blonde hair falling over over back as it flowed along the gentle winds.

A carpet of wildflowers blanketed the ground around her, their vibrant hues painting the scene with splashes of color. Butterflies flitted lazily among the blooms, their delicate wings casting shimmering reflections in the sunlight.

From her vantage point, Seraphina could see the bustling activity of the trading ships that had arrived from the distant House Atreides. Their sleek forms cut through the skies  watched in as the ships drew nearer, their silhouettes outlined against the azure sky like mythical creatures from a distant dream. The air hummed with anticipation, the very earth beneath her feet vibrating with the energy of approaching destiny.

Each ship bore the emblem of its house proudly, a testament to the noble lineage and prestigious trade alliances that spanned the cosmos. Lady Seraphina watched with quiet anticipation for today is the day.

Seraphina's excitement bubbled over as she dashed through the fields of flowers, her heart pounding with anticipation at the sight of the trading ship landing in the distance. With each step, she felt the thrill of adventure coursing through her veins, driving her onward in her quest to reach the object of her anticipation.

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