CHAPTER 28: End Of Beginning

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Earl Tarquin Arandis, known for his strategic acumen and deep connections to the politics of the Landsraad, was often referred to as the Emperor's loyal dog, always there at a single call

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Earl Tarquin Arandis, known for his strategic acumen and deep connections to the politics of the Landsraad, was often referred to as the Emperor's loyal dog, always there at a single call. Working in the shadows and rarely speaking during Landsraad meetings, his icy-blue eyes could convey the extent of his knowledge with a single glance. As the voice whispering in the Emperor's ear, it was no surprise he was Shaddam IV's most trusted advisor. House Arandis specialized in covert operations and intelligence, wielding significant influence behind the scenes.

It was almost a waste that his services were offered solely to Shaddam IV.

The sprawling expanse of the Imperial Palace on Kaitain, a masterpiece of opulence and power, was a place where every stone and every corridor spoke of the grandeur of the Corrino dynasty. The palace's architecture, a blend of ancient regal elements and futuristic design, featured towering spires, vast halls adorned with intricate tapestries, and windows of stained glass depicting the history and might of the Emperor's lineage. The soft hum of distant ornithopters and the subtle scent of exotic flowers from the many gardens added to the palace's serene yet imposing atmosphere.

Earl Tarquin Arandis walked through the marble corridors with the grace of a predator, his presence commanding respect and a slight hint of fear. His dark hair, tousled yet meticulously kept, framed a face of sharp, chiseled features. His icy-blue eyes, piercing and ever-watchful, were a testament to his reputation; they seemed to see through layers of deceit and uncover truths hidden even from their bearers. His tailored attire, dark and understated, bore the emblem of House Arandis-two silver daggers crossed over a black field and a coiled snake in between-subtly signifying his noble status and the lethal precision of his house.

As he moved, the palace staff and guards made way, bowing slightly in deference. His silent footsteps echoed through the hallways, a testament to his ability to move unnoticed and unheard. The intricate mosaics on the floor and the gilded pillars lining the passage seemed to acknowledge his passage, a shadow slipping through the heart of power.

He made his way towards one of the Emperor's private gardens, a secluded enclave within the palace. These gardens, lush with rare and exotic flora from across the Imperium, were a sanctuary for Emperor Shaddam IV. The air was filled with the fragrant blend of blossoms and the gentle trickle of fountains, creating an oasis of tranquility amidst the palace's grandeur.

As Earl Arandis approached, the heavy wooden door to the garden, adorned with carvings of mythical beasts and celestial patterns, was already ajar. He stepped into the garden, where the light was softer, filtered through the verdant canopy of trees. The path of smooth stones led him to the Emperor, who stood by a reflecting pool, its surface mirroring the intricate beauty of the surrounding flora.

The Emperor turned from his chessboard that he was on with his daughter Princess Irulan, his old regal bearing unmistakable, and their eyes met. In the quiet of the garden, Earl Arandis inclined his head in a deep, respectful bow. "You summoned me, Your Majesty," he said, his voice a smooth blend of deference and hidden power, ready to serve and to wield the shadows that danced at the edges of the Emperor's light.

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