CHAPTER 15: The Mouse and The Seeker

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Geidi Prime, the nightmarish home of House Harkonnen, loomed with an oppressive aura that could almost be tasted in the air-a metallic bitterness laced with the acrid scent of industrial waste

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Geidi Prime, the nightmarish home of House Harkonnen, loomed with an oppressive aura that could almost be tasted in the air-a metallic bitterness laced with the acrid scent of industrial waste. The sky was perpetually cloaked in smog, a churning blanket of darkness that choked the stars and blotted out the sun, casting the landscape in a perpetual twilight. The ground below was a bleak expanse of blackened soil and scorched earth, scarred by deep ravines and the twisted remnants of long-dead vegetation.

As the Reverend Mother Mohiam walked through the winding corridors of the Harkonnen palace, her footsteps echoed softly against the cold, polished stone floors. The walls around her were adorned with grotesque sculptures and tapestries depicting the Harkonnen's ruthless victories and indulgences in cruelty, their macabre artistry casting sinister shadows that seemed to writhe and pulse with a life of their own. The air was thick with an oppressive heat, a suffocating humidity that clung to her skin, and the omnipresent hum of machinery reverberated through the walls, a constant reminder of the planet's ceaseless industrial activity.

Mohiam's eyes, sharp and calculating, pierced through the gloom as she navigated the labyrinthine halls with purpose. She was here on a mission, and there was no time for distraction or delay. The Baron's ambitions had grown dangerously reckless, his machinations threatening to unravel the delicate web of plans she and the Bene Gesserit had woven so meticulously.

The stakes were higher than ever before. Paul Atreides and Seraphina Sylvane, two critical pieces in the Bene Gesserit's grand design, were in peril. The ongoing conflict between House Harkonnen and House Atreides, stoked by the manipulations of House Corrino, was spiraling out of control. Mohiam cared little for the ultimate fate of either house; their downfall was of no consequence to her. But the potential loss of these two pivotal individuals was unacceptable. They were the vessels of the future, the carriers of a vision that must not be extinguished.

Her arrival at the Baron's throne room was met with the hiss of hydraulic doors sliding open, revealing a room bathed in dim, red-tinted light. The Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, a grotesque figure of corpulence and decadence, lounged on a gravity suspensor, his eyes gleaming with malevolent curiosity as he regarded the Reverend Mother as he sat on his throne. Below the stairs of his stage was the Baron's Mentat and advisor, Piter de Vries

"The thing must leave," Mohiam spoke in distaste, not sparing a glance at the human-spider hybrid gnawing at a bone in the corner of the room like a grotesque pet. She didn't care which unfortunate soul had been twisted into this abomination, but its presence irritated her deeply.

"You can speak without fear," Piter de Vries reassured her, his hands linked behind his back in a parody of civility. "Our pet doesn't understand your language."

"gEt oUT!" Mohiam commanded sharply using the Voice.

The abominable creature paused, its grotesque form shuddering before it scuttled out of the room, revealing that it did, in fact, understand her perfectly.

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