CHAPTER 27: Sand Again

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Journal of His Imperial Majesty, Elrood IX The 80th Padishah Emperor

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Journal of His Imperial Majesty, Elrood IX The 80th Padishah Emperor

Date: 15th Day of the 3rd Cycle, Year 10,134 AG

The days grow shorter and my body weaker, yet I must persist. The fate of House Corrino and the very Imperium rests upon my shoulders. Each passing day, I witness my children squander the riches and legacy I have painstakingly built. My eldest son, Shaddam, once full of promise, is now consumed by spite and jealousy. The memory of his unforgivable act-taking the life of his own sibling in a fit of rage-haunts me. It is a dark stain upon our house, yet as his father, I have not condemn him. Not yet.

Shaddam's ambition, while necessary for an emperor, is tainted by his unchecked emotions. His path to the throne is paved with the corpses of his kin, and his growing instability worries me. My other children, lost in the luxuries of court life, offer little hope. They are shadows, flitting through the halls with no purpose or understanding of the responsibility that awaits them.

The burden of rule has taken its toll on my health. The physicians speak in hushed tones, their concern thinly veiled. I have managed to conceal the severity of my condition, but I know time is not on my side. I cannot falter now. There is a plan, one that I must see to fruition to safeguard the Corrino bloodline and ensure the stability of the Imperium.

In this sea of despair, there is one light, one child who sees through my facade. She is my daughter, born of a concubine who died during childbirth. Her name is rarely spoken, a deliberate choice to shield her from the prying eyes and dangerous ambitions of the court. She is different from her siblings, possessing a sharp mind and a wisdom beyond her years. I see the brilliance she tries to hide, the talents she keeps concealed to avoid drawing attention.

It dismays me to see her blend into the background, a wallflower in the court, but I understand her strategy. She is protecting herself, biding her time. Yet, in my heart, I know she is the key to our survival. Her potential is immense, and though she chooses to remain in the shadows, I cannot be fooled. I see her for what she truly is-a beacon of hope for our house.

I have devised a idea, one that will unfold in due time. It is a delicate scheme, designed to protect our legacy and ensure the Corrino name endures. Someone will play a crucial role, though remains unaware. I must guide her subtly, without exposing her to undue risk. The future of our house depends on it, and I pray that my strength holds out long enough to see this plan come to fruition.

For now, I must maintain the facade of strength and control, concealing my ailments and my concerns. The Imperium watches, and any sign of weakness could spell disaster. I have faith, something will rise to the occasion when the time comes. Until then, I will continue to weave my web, ensuring that House Corrino remains unassailable.

May the gods grant me the time I need.

-Elrood IX, Emperor of the Known Universe

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