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Dune 1


For decades, the Bene Gesserit sisterhood endeavoured to train women in pursuing an elusive skill whispered in myths and stories: Psycho-Empathic Resonance, a fabled power to command the very elements with the mind. Their relentless endeavors bore no fruit... until the birth of Seraphina Sylvane, the real Atheros Al'Uzra.

For decades, the Bene Gesserit wove intricate designs through their Breeding Program, seeking the rise of "The One"-a being of unparalleled foresight, capable of traversing space and time, uniting the male and female lines of Other Memory. Their quest seemed destined to fail until Paul Atreides was born. This child, who should not have been a boy, will rise as a messianic figure, a beacon for the oppressed of a desolate homeworld. His power was immense, yet questions lingered: Was he truly "The One"?

In the vast, shifting sands of destiny, two souls were foretold. One symbolizes Hope, the other Strength. Paul Atreides, the Messiah, destined to shape worlds and lead the oppressed to freedom, and Seraphina Sylvane, the Angel, a guiding light, protector, and beacon of righteousness.

Yet, beneath the grandeur and prophecy, will they remain human or forget it how to be real? With all the frailties and mysteries that humanity entails, will they realize what living is? In a universe where the line between myth and reality blurs, their journey begins-a tale of power, destiny, and the enigmatic threads that bind them. As the sands of Arrakis shift, the fate of Known Universe hinges on these two figures, entwined in a story as old as time itself.




"Lord Leto Atreides"
The Duke

"Lord Leto Atreides"The Duke

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Epiphany - Paul AtreidesWhere stories live. Discover now