CHAPTER 4: The Dads Are Back With News

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Paul let out another groan as his back landed on the floor, the shield covering his neck glowing red as Duncan Idaho successfully ended their spar, his dagger poised against Paul's neck

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Paul let out another groan as his back landed on the floor, the shield covering his neck glowing red as Duncan Idaho successfully ended their spar, his dagger poised against Paul's neck. Duncan's grin was triumphant but friendly as he stood, extending a hand to help Paul up.

"Another loss, my boy," Duncan teased, pulling Paul to his feet.

Seraphina, who had been watching from the sidelines of the training room, clapped her hands softly. It has been three days since she arrived in Caladan and she had enjoyed her stay so far. Paul had been showing her what his Homeworld could offer which Seraphina found amusing as if the boy prepared a list of things to do and places she could bring her. Even if the climate in Caladan was new, Seraphina had adjusted well and the weather isn't as harsh as Paul feared that she would dislike. Now Paul invited her to watch his training with Duncan. Her silver-blonde hair in a braid shimmered under the lights, and her forest-green eyes sparkled with amusement as she watched the two.

"I think you both fought well," she complimented, a warm smile playing on her lips.

Paul dusted himself off, flashing a sheepish grin. "Thanks, Seraphina. Though, I think Duncan's just getting better at predicting my moves."

Duncan chuckled, sheathing his practice blade. "Or maybe you're just getting too easy, Paul. You need to keep me guessing."

Paul rolled his eyes good-naturedly before turning his attention back to Seraphina. "Why don't you join us next time? I'd love to see how you handle Duncan with the House Sylvane moves."

Seraphina's smile wavered for a moment, a shadow of hesitation crossing her features. She quickly recovered, glancing down at her elegant silver dress. "I'm afraid I'm not exactly dressed for sparring today," she said lightly, smoothing the fabric with her hands.

Duncan, ever the joker, chimed in with a mischievous grin. "Yeah, Paul. I don't think Seraphina's going to get into the ring in that dress. Though, it would be quite the sight."

Paul laughed, shaking his head. "Alright, fair point. But you know, Sera, you don't always have to dress so elegantly. We could find you some training clothes."

Seraphina's eyes flickered with a hint of unease, but she masked it with a playful smile. "As much as I'd love to, my mother would probably have a fit if she found out I was spending my time sparring instead of focusing on... other things."

Duncan raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Other things? Like what, if I may ask?"

"Oh, you know. Studying, learning the intricacies of our trade, and... well, just the many responsibilities of being part of House Sylvane." Seraphina's smile didn't falter, but her mind raced for a plausible excuse. "And besides, you know I'm not really into fighting and I only know a few basics in hand-to-hand combat."

Paul nodded, though he seemed slightly disappointed. "I understand. But if you ever find the time, the offer still stands. I'd love to see how you fight. Maybe I can teach you a thing or two."

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