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The darkness of the abyss surrounds me, as I'm parked on the side of a county road, hours from any city. I shut off the music, drowning out in the quietness. The ear piercing screams and the echoed crying from just a few hours earlier, eradicate themselves as the deafening quiet of the car, mixed with my skipped breathing made for a loud ride. I pulled my phone out and looked for Mia's contact, I begin to dial it when a text message from her pops up. 

"When will you learn Corbin?" I sighed, my mind running of everything that transpired tonight. I open up my tracking app and shut my location of to Ruby, then going back to messages. 

"I'll learn when I drive myself into the tree up ahead." I reply, pulling the shifter out of park. I accelerate faster than I normally would. My phone lights up as it notifies me of another text message. I unlock it and see "My boyfriend cheated on me." Mia says, I laugh as I reply "Welcome to the club." I look up from the screen, nothing but a dark dirt road with the occasional red lights of the wind turbines. Not a soul on the road, it feels so relaxing, maybe it was the bite of the shivers crawling up my spine. I look back at my phone to see Mia's response. "Well unlike you, I didn't deserve it. She was smart to cheat on you. Do you even look at yourself in the mirror Corbin? I'm prettier than everyone you'll ever meet and you're just the pathetic man everyone wants to get away from." 

I looked up from the screen to see the road, it feels tunnel visioned as everything begins to move away from my eyes. I feel myself wanting to tear up again, wondering "What did I do?" I slow the car to a stop again, put the shifter in park and reply to Mia, "You're right." 

As if she was waiting in the messages to reply she sends a picture. The picture was of one of Maddi's favorite hoodie, the comment said "Should I burn this too? I know this meant a lot to her. So it has to mean a lot to you." Rage fills my body, as I drop my phone into the side of the seat, I put the shifter into drive and sped to Mia's house. 

Two hours later

After the long, quiet drive over. I finally made it to her house in Wyoming, squealing my tires as I turn into the long gravel driveway. I pull out a beer I bought along the way and slam it, drinking half the container as I walk up and just before I pounded on the door I hear. "Took you long enough Corbin." I took a deep breath, the soft breeze along with the heart break of Ruby made my hair stand up as the shiver runs through my body, stopping at my heart. 

"Tonight is not the night to do this Mia," I say calmly, not giving her an inch of my emotion. I turn around to look at her emerge from the shadows with Maddi's hoodie. "But Corbin, I called and you answered. You still love me." She says, giving me the biggest smirk. I exhale as I walk up to her, I look down into her evil eyes and reply. "Give me the hoodie and I won't let my intrusive thoughts win." She looks up at me, slowly moving her arm. I grab the hoodie and walked begin to walk past her. I notice her trying to grab something with her right hand as her left hand grabs my neck. I quickly moved my forearm to disconnect her hand from my neck, her grip loosen for a second, I then grabbed her by her shirt collar, spun the both of us around and threw her back towards the door as hard as I could. I ran back to my car and opened the door, quickly trying to turn the car on, Mia slams her hand on the windshield and opens the door. Holding her silver knife up she moves it up to my neck, "You don't think you could get away from me that easy Corbin." I look down at the knife and I look up at her, thinking of Ruby, William, Maddi, Shawn and my parents. Wondering if they would be upset more of me throwing in the towel or asking someone to put me out of my misery. 

I sigh, "What do you want?" I say, angrily. She smirks, "Come inside," She demanded as she presses the tip of the knife deeper into my neck. I put Maddi's hoodie down inside the car and get up as I follow her movement. "One wrong move Corbin and you'll be on the nightly news." Mia says, I laugh at her. "Wouldn't wanna give me any sort of fame would you?" I sarcastically reply. She stops, turns her head slightly to me and yells "You know what Corbin?" Before I could respond she takes the knife off my neck and turns the handle and hits my soft spot of my forehead. Looking at her I watch as everything goes black. 

I woke up from cold water splashing onto me, I look up to see Mia standing across from me with a bucket. "Wakey Wakey Corbin" She says, I close my eyes and shake my head to become conscious. I slowly move my arm, expecting to be tied to something as I move both of my hands, "Enjoy the handcuffs by the way Corbin. Who is this?" She says holding up my phone, I look closer, my vision blurred without my glasses. I knew the picture, it was me and Ruby in my hockey jerseys kissing. I couldn't say a word, my heart still mourns her. "Is this the girl who ruined your night?" Mia says in a confused but menacing tone. I shake my head again, not giving in. This angered Mia as she swings a baseball bat at my left knee. "Don't be a fucking hero to her now Corbin." She swings again, this time making contact. I felt the metal bat hit where my first surgery was, the pain shocked me through my body as I let out a cry. 

As she began to laugh, I focused on breathing. The stinking stuck onto my knee, as if someone put a hot pan up against it and left it with glue. "Now Corbin, I'm sick of this." She puts my glasses on my wet face, exposing her room. I noticed two windows on each corner, the door behind her and a key on a small wooden table next to the door. She sits on my lap with the bat in one hand and her knife against my neck in the other. She leans in and kisses my lips, I don't move my lips, I freeze them in place, not giving her satisfaction, I lean my head back and  headbutt her. This shocked her just enough to make her fall back onto the ground. I quickly thought of everything I could, with the right amount of rage I break the cheap handcuffs that restrained my hands, I grabbed the knife and bat. Mia just now looking up at me, "Corbin you don't think that I splashed you with water?" She smirks, turning on her lighter. 

"No, but you know I don't like rapists." I mutter, She looked at me. Disgustedly says, "Don't ever lower me to that again Corbin, or you can say bye bye to Mrs. Hockey jersey." I had a feeling she was talking about Ruby, as I reply, "Just like you said, she's better off without me." I felt a piece of my heart break off when I said it out loud, Mia smirks as she gets up. "Corbin, come on. It's me, When have I ever been bad to you?" I rolled my eyes. "Wouldn't it be better if I could use my hands to make this better for you?" I say, hoping she takes the bait. She smirks as she gets the key and unlocks my hands, She looks up into my eyes with lust and a hint of deviation. I wanted to kill her and parade her body down the street, but I was never one for violence, not when it happens to me. Tonight just feels different, as if my world is slowly collapsing itself around me. 

I smirk at her, "And the legs too?" I say, She bends down to unlock my ankles that are restrained. The moment I felt the cold air rush into the sweat infested contained spots of my ankles I grabbed Mia. By the neck I rush and slam her against the wall, I used my free hand to feel my keys  still in my pocket. I grabbed my phone from her, looked into her eyes and I yelled, "For someone so fucking crazy, you sure are fucking stupid." I spin her around and throw her as far from me as I could. I opened the door and slammed it closed after moving out of the room. She had the door lock on the outside of the room, assuming she was going to try and keep me in. I run out of the building and back to the gravel road, running to my car I look at the window of the room I just escaped from and looked at the ground to see a bear trap underneath it. I wanted to puke at the site of it, but I keep running to my car. turning it on and throwing the shifter in reverse before it could even blast any air, I sped out of the driveway as fast as I could. I get back to the main road as I throw the shifter into drive and sped off. I look through my phone as I speed off, noticing I missed a few calls from Ruby and a text that said, "I'm sorry Corbin..." I throw my phone and tear up, the ugly realization of more problems besides Mia filled my mind. "I should've just let her kill me." I muttered. 

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